Domestic Partner Foe Appling: Lying to Us Then, Or Now?
Claimed Marriage Amendment Nothing to Do with Domestic Partnerships, Tune Changed Now
Appling: “If the state Legislature wants to take up adoption and inheritance rights, it can do that” if the amendment becomes law, Appling said. “Nothing in the second sentence prohibits that.” [Associated Press, 12/8/05]
Appling: “Contrary to the message being given by opponents of the amendment, the second phrase does not ‘ban civil unions.’” [Daily Cardinal, 12/13/05]
MADISON, Wis. — Architects of the 2006 same-sex marriage ban who insisted it would not impact legal protections for domestic partners have reversed their position and filed a lawsuit challenging recently enacted basic legal protections like hospital visitation and inheritance to those in domestic partnerships.
“Julaine Appling and her right-wing allies said over and over the ban wasn’t about domestic partners,” said Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now Executive Director. “Lo and behold, now they have done a complete 180 degree turn and Wisconsin has a right to know: were they lying then, or are they lying now?”
Lawyers representing Wisconsin Family Action filed a suit this morning with the Wisconsin Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of basic legal protections for domestic partners and seeking a permanent injunction against the protections for committed, caring couples in domestic partnerships.
This contradicts Appling’s comments during the legislative debate on the Amendment in 2005, including:
Appling: “If the state Legislature wants to take up adoption and inheritance rights, it can do that” if the amendment becomes law, Appling said. “Nothing in the second sentence prohibits that.” [Associated Press, 12/8/05]
Appling: “Contrary to the message being given by opponents of the amendment, the second phrase does not ‘ban civil unions.’” [Daily Cardinal, 12/13/05]
“People across Wisconsin agree domestic partners should enjoy basic legal protections like being able to visit their partners in the hospital,” said Ross. “Despite the deceptions of Julaine Appling and Wisconsin Family Action, common sense and fairness will prevail.”