Gov. Scott Walker LOST 10,000 Wisconsin jobs, Illinois CREATED 30,000 jobs
While Walker has made a nemesis out of Illinois for ensuring corporations and the rich pay their fair share, Wisconsin lost 9,700 jobs last month while Illinois led the nation by creating 30,000.
Gov. Scott Walker and right-wing blogosphere have made a nemesis out of Illinois, citing its “job-killing” tax policy of actually ensuring corporations and the rich pay their fair share, compared to here in Wisconsin Walker and the GOP majority have handed out $2.3 billion in tax breaks to corporations and the rich.
The numbers are in, and they don’t look good… for Walker or Wisconsin: we lost 9,700 jobs in October — a record loss — while Illinois managed to lead the nation by creating 30,000 jobs.
There’s an important economic lesson here somewhere, whatever it is, it’s completely lost on Scott Walker and his “VP of marketing” Rebecca Kleefisch.