Guess Who’s Comin’ to Dinner?

National embarrassment Sarah Palin is coming to nationally embarrass Wisconsin, courtesy of Wisconsin Right to Life. The ant-choicer movement is bringin’ the Queen of Quit to its November 6 event at State Fair Park in Milwaukee.

WRtL is saying “no recording of this event will be made.”

That’s where you come in, our unwashed army of citizen watchdogs.

We think it’s critical that we not rely on the retelling of the event’s highlights solely from Master of Ceremonies and Republican mouthpiece Charlie Sykes.

Palin has long whined that she needs to go “above the filter” when it comes to the media. This is because Palin can’t answer three questions in a row without manglin’ facts, distortin’ history and spewin’ outright lies.

If anyone out there attends the event and gets a recording, either video or audio, let us know as soon as you have it by emailing us at or phoning 608-204-0677.

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