Health Care Reform Hearing Friday

From our pals at Health Care for America Now, Wisconsin

Join Tammy Baldwin for a town hall meeting on national health care reform Friday, May 1st, at 5:30pm.

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin sits on an important Health Subcommittee in the House of Representatives. This could be our last opportunity to speak with Tammy before key votes on various pieces of health care legislation.

Congressional leaders agree that moving a health care will be their main focus after Memorial Day, and final bills could be voted on in the House and Senate before August.

Now is the time to tell Representative Baldwin we want leadership and bold action that guarantees quality affordable health care for all!

Join us on May 1st and tell Representative Baldwin that the people want real change!

Health Care Town Hall with Rep. Tammy Baldwin
May 1, 2009
5:30pm ‘€“ 7:00pm
Madison Labor Temple,
1602 S. Park Street

This event is sponsored by Health Care for America Now, Wisconsin.

To RSVP, click here to email organizer Brian Rothgery, or call him at (414) 476 – 4539.

For more information, visit, or

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As A Project Of A Better Wisconsin Together, We're Fighting For A Wisconsin With Equal Economic Opportunity For All