Healthy Wisconsin is Back

This morning the Senate Committee on Health, Human Services, Insurance and Job Creation, took up a new and improved version of Healthy Wisconsin. Just like the version that passed the Senate last summer, the revised legislation guarantees every Wisconsinite the same quality health care that state legislators enjoy. The new version of Healthy Wisconsin is made even better because of two significant changes. First, I makes the plan even better for small businesses by creating a three year phase in period. It also caps the household income to which the payroll assessment is applied. This change was designed to prevent some two income families from paying more than the reasonable cost of health coverage.

Testimony at today’€™s hearing included comments of support for Healthy Wisconsin from David Newby, President of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. David Newby commented:

‘€œIndeed the estimate is that if Healthy Wisconsin were in effect in 2007, our total health care expenditures for those covered by the Plan would have been $751 M less than what we spent last year if no changes had been made. Furthermore, businesses that provide at least some health insurance to their employees would have saved $686 M’€”and yet everyone in Wisconsin’€”including the currently uninsured and underinsured’€” would have the comprehensive, quality health care they need: guaranteed!’€

If you would like to learn more about Healthy Wisconsin please visit, where you will find updated details and an updated list of frequently asked questions.

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