Wisconsin Celebrates Milestone in Fight for Voting Rights
Opportunity to Celebrate Past Leadership, Commit to End Efforts to Manipulate the Rules for Partisan Political Advantage

MADISON, Wis. — On this day in 1919, Wisconsin was the first state in the nation to ratify the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to give women the right to vote.
The following are the statements of One Wisconsin Institute Executive Director Analiese Eicher:
“Today we celebrate a milestone in the fight for voting rights and commemorate Wisconsin’s past leadership in expanding the franchise.
“As we join together in recognition of this important event from our history, it is also important to reflect on the current state of voting rights and women’s rights in our state and country today.
“When politicians intentionally target people with laws making it harder and more complicated to vote because of their race, gender, age or political beliefs they undermine the progress we have made and the promise of the franchise, that on Election Day everyone is equal because they have an equal opportunity to be heard by casting their vote.
“We ought to take the opportunity today to commit to making sure our efforts tomorrow and in the days after are focused on making sure every legal voter has the opportunity to cast their ballot and have their vote counted.”