J.B. Won’t Save You Milwaukee
Hey Milwaukee, do you remember J.B. Van Hollen’s bold promises, when he was a candidate, about fighting crime? Apparently you can forget them all because he confessed in a recent story that he has no intention of launching the big plan that he advertised before taking office. Who could forget how aggressively he criticized his predecessor for not taking a leading role in combating violent crime in Milwaukee?
As a candidate Van Hollen advertised himself almost as a crime fighting super hero that would swoop into Milwaukee and save the day! How disappointing it must be for those that believed those promises?
Hey Milwaukee, do you remember J.B. Van Hollen’s bold promises, when he was a candidate, about fighting crime? Apparently you can forget them all because he confessed in a recent story that he has no intention of launching the big plan that he advertised before taking office. Who could forget how aggressively he criticized his predecessor for not taking a leading role in combating violent crime in Milwaukee?
As a candidate Van Hollen advertised himself almost as a crime fighting super hero that would swoop into Milwaukee and save the day! How disappointing it must be for those that believed those promises? Now they are forced to hear him admit what many on the left expressed long ago. His job is to support local law enforcement not replace them. In the story he admits that his campaign promises were not all that realistic, saying that the AG should focus on teaming up with city leaders. While he was extra critical of his predecessor, now Van Hollen says that “it is not up to me to determine what is in the best interest of Milwaukee.” We will all find out if he is really serious about his new and improved plan for Milwaukee. As for the super hero that we saw on the TV commercials, apparently that J.B. has hung up his cape.
But never fear Milwaukee, J.B. has taken the time to institute a very strict dress code at the Department of Justice!