Laverne and Shirley-style, IAM and UAW will make all your worksite leaflet dreams come true

In this loving video tribute to the Laverne and Shirley opening credits, IAM and UAW work to get the word out about McCain’s abysmal record for working families by worksite leafleting members of IAM Local Lodge 66 and UAW Local 9 at the Miller Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

WATCH and enjoy!


In this loving video tribute to the Laverne and Shirley opening credits, IAM and UAW work to get the word out about McCain’s abysmal record for working families by worksite leafleting members of IAM Local Lodge 66 and UAW Local 9 at the Miller Brewery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

WATCH and enjoy!

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As A Project Of A Better Wisconsin Together, We're Fighting For A Wisconsin With Equal Economic Opportunity For All