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Dear Editor: Despite Gov. Scott Walker’s six-month sell-off of
Wisconsin state government to corporate special interests at the
cost of nearly $2 billion over the next decade, General Electric’s
X-ray business just announced it is moving its Waukesha
headquarters to Beijing, China.
Between Walker’s endless corporate tax breaks and General
Electric’s endless greed, it’s hard to pick a villain in this one.
Maybe we can we finally agree that corporate tax breaks at the
expense of working families are a failure and the politicians who
hand them out like candy are a failure.
The announcement made about shipping the headquarters from
Wisconsin to China is part of a $2 billion investment GE is making
overseas. The X-ray business is a 115-year-old American operation
and the headquarters has been in Wisconsin since 1947. A
spokesperson claimed that no jobs would be lost in Waukesha, but
provided no guarantee for how long. The company has already
announced it is hiring 200 new engineers in China.
Earlier this year, it was reported General Electric paid zero in
income taxes last year, despite earning $14 billion in profits
worldwide, including more than $5 billion in the United States.
Walker and the Republican Legislature just handed out nearly $2
billion in new corporate tax breaks at the expense of schools,
kids, seniors and workers. With this news, will Walker and the
Republican Legislature finally admit that corporate tax breaks are
a failure?
Scot Ross
One Wisconsin Now
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