Scott Walker signs law changing managed forest program

Gov. Scott Walker signed legislation on Thursday that will allow landowners to keep the public from using more of their forest property while still receiving a break on their property tax.
Senate Bill 434 makes major changes in the state's managed forest law, including limiting the amount of land available to the public as well as turning over millions of dollars to local units of government now earmarked for the Department of Natural Resources.
The law regulates practices on more than 3 million acres. Managed forest properties provide about a quarter of the timber used by Wisconsin's $22.9 billion forest industry, according to the governor's office.
Walker signed the bill at Ponsse North America, a logging equipment manufacturer in Rhinelander. Supporters say the changes will help ensure a steady supply of timber for the paper mills and wood processors of the state.
"This bill keeps the managed forest law attractive to landowners, industry, local governments and outdoor recreationists," Walker said in a statement.
The law has traditionally allowed property owners to pay lower property taxes if they agreed to periodically cut timber in a sustainable manner.
In exchange for the property tax break, the law also required owners to manage the land for timber production and allow members of the public to use the property for fishing, hunting, hiking, sightseeing and other recreational uses.
For landowners to get the best tax break, they have had to allow public access.
Traditionally, property owners were allowed to set aside 160 acres for private use.
The bill signed by Walker would lift that cap and allow property owners of nonindustrial timber land to restrict all public access.
Under the new law, property owners who close their land would not get as large of a tax cut. But their tax bill would be sharply lower than land not in the program.
That change drew criticism in some circles, with some saying it will enable property owners to enjoy a tax break while keeping the public off their land.
Sponsor Sen. Tom Tiffany (R-Hazelhurst) has said he believed many property owners would continue to keep their land open to get the lowest possible tax rate.
An example of an annual property tax bill for 1,000 acres of forest land: $42,700 if not in the program; $10,680 if enrolled in the program, but land is closed to the public; $2,140 if in the program and open to the public.
Property tax relief
Walker said the changes would provide more property tax relief for local governments. Fees that the DNR received from property owners for land closed to the public would go to municipalities — an estimated $4.6 million in fiscal 2017, $6 million in fiscal 2018 and $7 million in fiscal 2019.
In 2012, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported some land in the program can be difficult to find, and in some cases, owners had carved out islands of open land that were essentially off limits because they were surrounded by closed land.
Walker also signed legislation, AB 793, that extends a student loan forgiveness program to teachers in high-demand subjects who are willing to work in rural areas.
The program deals with loans made by the Higher Educational Aids Board to students training to become teachers. It allows for forgiving 25% of the state loans made to qualifying students for each year the student goes on to teach effectively in the city of Milwaukee and, under the legislation, in rural areas as well.
Jason Stein of the Journal Sentinel staff contributed to this report.
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