One Wisconsin Now Demands Brad Schimel Turn Over Records for His Appearance at Homophobic Alliance Defending Freedom Conference
Attorney General Traveled in Official Capacity to Participate in States’ Rights’ Panel Discussion Hosted by Organization Designated as Hate Group

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now is demanding Attorney General Brad Schimel turn over records and copies of any prepared remarks he delivered when he appeared at an Alliance Defending Freedom conference. The ADF, designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, paid over $3,800 in expenses and a $300 appearance fee for Schimel to travel to a luxury resort in California, to attend their conference and to participate in a panel discussion on “states’ rights.”
“Brad Schimel needs to come clean on why, in his official capacity as Attorney General of the state of Wisconsin, he took over $4,100 for first class travel and accommodations to appear before a hate group,” said One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross. “He needs to immediately turn over the records related to his appearance, for which he was paid, and what remarks he delivered at this gathering of rabid homophobes.”
The Associated Press reported:
“Republican Attorney General Brad Schimel accepted thousands of dollars from an anti-gay organization to appear at the group’s West Coast conference last summer, state records show … The Southern Poverty Law Center has listed ADF as a hate group that seeks to outlaw homosexuality and develop legislation that denies goods and services to gay and transgender people.”
… Schimel’s 2017 statement of economic interest on file with the state Ethics Commission shows the attorney general accepted $3,828 as well as a $300 honorarium from the Alliance Defending Freedom during the calendar year. The statement offers no further details.
The One Wisconsin Now request, filed under the state open records law seeks, “… copies of all records pertaining to [Attorney General Schimel’s] participation in the 2017 Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) conference. My request includes but is not limited to copies of emails, prepared remarks, handouts, presentations, and reimbursement requests. I also request electronic copies of any video or audio recordings made of any speech, presentation, panel discussion, or other participation by [A.G. Schimel] at the 2017 ADF conference.”