One Wisconsin Now ‘Proud’ to be the Wisconsin-Focused Group on Bradley Foundation ‘Enemies List’
$900 Million Right Wing Slush Fund Cites One Wisconsin Now’s In Secret Documents

MADISON, Wis. — An explosive story released today showing the $900 million right wing Bradley Foundation has a national “enemies list” that includes the Wisconsin-based One Wisconsin Now. Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements:
“I’d consider One Wisconsin Now the enemy, too, if I were the Bradley Foundation.
“From our accountability project exposing the reach of Bradley, to uncovering that Bradley funded the 2010 voter suppression billboards for Scott Walker, to beating the Bradley Foundation’s voter suppression efforts in federal court, One Wisconsin Now will keep researching, communicating and standing up to the Bradley Foundation, despite their unrivaled resources.
“We are proud to have made the Bradley Foundation’s enemies list and we have every intention of remaining on it.”