One Wisconsin Now Statements on Sauk County DA Decision in Prosser Choke Incident
Prosser Accused of Physical Attack Against Fellow Justice
MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now released the following statements on the Sauk County District Attorney’s decision in the choking incident with Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser and fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley.
“The Sauk County District Attorney’s decision that there was not a crime committed by Justice David Prosser prosecutable in a court of law in no way makes Prosser’s physical conduct against a fellow Justice acceptable.”
Prosser’s temper and abusive conduct has been well documented, ranging from charging at a colleague on the floor of the State Assembly with his fists in the air — documented by a One Wisconsin Now video released in March 2011 — to the disgraceful calling of his colleague on the Supreme Court a “bitch” and threatening to “destroy her.”
In July, One Wisconsin Now delivered over 10,000 petitions from Wisconsinites demanding Prosser resign over his conduct.