Open Letter: Victims of Ron Johnson’s Government

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross sent the following letter to U.S. Senator Ron Johnson regarding his recently announced “Victims of Government” video series.

March 27, 2013

United States Senator Ron Johnson
386 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510


Dear Senator Johnson,

I read with interest the news report of your “Victims of Government” video series. After watching the video associated with your project, produced by your taxpayer funded government office, I am inspired to inquire who else you and your Republican colleagues are so courageously seeking to protect from becoming “victims” of government.

Maybe it is the cancer survivor being victimized by the “excessive regulations” that prohibit an insurance company from denying them insurance coverage for a pre-existing condition?

Is it the student trying to afford a higher education whose freedom to pay higher interest rates on their student loan is being stolen away by government subsidies?

Perhaps it is the senior citizen missing out on the opportunity to pay more for their life-saving prescription drugs that is unfairly oppressed by the heavy hand of government?

Spending your time, and our money, producing YouTube videos doesn’t move us one iota closer to solving any of the challenges facing our nation. In fact it seems the real victims of government are your constituents who were counting on you to work for them in the United States Senate.


Scot Ross

Executive Director, One Wisconsin Now

P.S. On behalf of the taxpayers of Wisconsin who pay your salary and for your office, I’m wondering just how much of our money is being spent on your latest inanity?

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