Gov. Tony Evers’ First 100 Days: Helping Hard-Working Wisconsinites and Listening to Their Concerns
‘In Just 100 Days We’ve Come a Long Way With Gov. Tony Evers’

MADISON, Wis. — In the first 100 days of his administration, Gov. Tony Evers has focused on policies to help take on new economic challenges facing hard-working Wisconsinites and strengthen the state economy. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Analiese Eicher cited as examples Evers’ budget proposals helping student loan borrowers, making child care more affordable, expanding family and medical leave, studying ways to enhance retirement security for private sector workers and increasing wages and reforms to restore workers’ rights.
“In just 100 days we’ve come a long way with Gov. Evers,” commented Eicher. “Gov. Evers said he would focus on connecting the dots to help the people of Wisconsin succeed and prosper, and he’s backing up his words with actions.”
In the face of a national $1.5 trillion student loan debt crisis, that includes roughly one million Wisconsin borrowers, Gov. Evers in his budget is pursuing a common sense measure to help by working to establish a state-based plan to help refinance student loans, just like you can with a mortgage.
Gov. Evers’ budget also includes several initiatives to improve access to quality and affordable child care, an expense that can be a huge burden for families with working parents. To help families facing emergencies or the serious illness of a loved one, Gov. Evers’ budget expands eligibility for coverage under the state Family and Medical Leave law and ends state preemption of local ordinances.
Recognizing the concerns of private sector workers for a secure retirement, Gov. Evers’ budget directs the Department of Employee Trust Funds to lead an initiative to establish a private sector retirement security plan committee to work toward creating a state-administered plan providing retirement benefits for Wisconsin workers who choose to join.
In both the public and the private sector in Wisconsin, the rights of people to join together to improve their working conditions and economic well-being have been stripped away. Gov. Evers’ budget begins the process of restoring workers’ rights and respecting the people that help make our state and local government and communities work.
Gov. Evers has also undertaken an unprecedented statewide listening tour to give citizens the opportunity to talk about the issues important to them and their communities.
Eicher noted the contrast between Evers and his predecessor, Scott Walker, who in his first 100 days divided Wisconsin as never before as he sought retribution against perceived political opponents and rigged the rules to benefit his cronies and and reward his special interest backers. After his disastrous 71-day run for President, Walker also held so-called listening sessions as part of an effort to rehabilitate his image. However, his events were closed to the general public and media affairs, featuring invite only participants hand selected by fellow Republicans and special interests lobbyists.