Robin “Boss” Vos Sets New Low in How He Does Business

Assembly Speaker Refuses Workplace Accommodation for Paralyzed State Legislator

MADISON, Wis. — Assembly Speaker Rep. Robin Vos is refusing to make a simple workplace accommodation for a fellow state legislator who was paralyzed as a result of being struck by a drunk driver.

The following are the statements of One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Analiese Eicher:

“By refusing to provide a simple workplace accommodation to Representative Anderson, Robin Vos is setting a new low in how he runs the State Assembly.

“There are serious questions about whether Speaker Vos is violating federal law with his obstinance. There is no question he is violating basic standards of human decency.

“Every Assembly Republican who put Vos in this position of power should be appalled with how he is conducting himself and call on him to show the proper respect to their colleague, the institution of the State Assembly and the laws of the United States.”

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