Say Hi to Fernandez and Koschnick at Right Wing Free for All
Last week, One Wisconsin Now pointed out how the non, non-ideological Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance and its long-time face Todd Berry can be found this coming weekend speaking to the right-wing freakfest that is the Americans for Petroleum, er… Americans for Prosperity event in Milwaukee.
A who’s who of state Republican electeds will be on hand to bemoan the irresponsible economic policies of the last eight years of Bush and 14 years of Jensen-Gard-Huebsch the last month of President Obama and Wisconsin Democrats.
Also on the docket, and fresh from her appearance at the Republican Lincoln Day dinner, Department of Public Instruction candidate Rose Fernandez.Fernandez, the former head of the astroturf group Wisconsin Coalition for Virtual School Families (aka the smiley face for the for-profit, out of state company, K12, Inc.) will be on hand to reinforce her conservative street cred and why public school dollars best serve our students by being shipped out of state. And to for-profit companies…like K12, Inc.
Not to be outdone, Randy Koschnick will also be there to kiss the ultra-conservative ring. Koschnick, whose phone records from his judge’s office serve as a phone book for conservative organizations he called while on the job, will be on hand to not talk about the Ted Oswald cop-killer case.
As a reminder, among Koschnick’s calls, was to the Promise Keepers, a lunatic fringe group that thinks men need to put women in their place by assuming role as the dominant head of house. This is the same group that refers to women who volunteer for it as “Suitable Helpers.”
So, feel free to drop by, pay your fee and see the brightest stars in the GOP constellation. Or you could click here in a protest.