Scott Walker Fact Check – “Waste”

We just put out a new Scott Walker Fact Check video of Walker’s new ad, “Waste.” Walker appears to be struggling to come up with ideas on how to close an already $2.5 billion projected budget gap after announcing he would give $3 billion in tax cuts for the rich and re-open loopholes for big corporations. His latest idea, as we point out, is nothing more than another shallow gimmick void of any real numbers.
Walker is calling for a commission to study state overtime spending, citing the overtime costs for the state of Wisconsin in 2008. Records show Walker spent a substantially higher percentage of Milwaukee County tax dollars on overtime than did the state of Wisconsin in the year he cited, 1.4 percent, compared to the 0.2 percent spent by the state.
“Scott Walker wants less government by creating more government and have the foxes in charge of henhouse security,” said Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now Executive Director. “Walker rails against the state for overtime costs, but he spends seven times the percent the state does.”
In 2008, Milwaukee County had a budget of $1,342,940,239 and $18,600,330 in overtime costs – 1.4 percent of its overall budget. The state in 2008 had a budget of $29,142,261,200 and $66.5 million in overtime costs – a mere 0.2 percent of its overall budget. Walker has averaged $15 million in overtime costs a year throughout his tenure as county executive. Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services; Milwaukee County Executive Budgets: 2003-2009; Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau]
Likewise, Walker proposed increasing county budget spending 35 percent, while the state of Wisconsin spending has increased 21 percent over the same period of time. Walker’s budget increases have raised the county tax levy by 20 percent. [Milwaukee County Executive Recommended Budgets: 2003-2010; Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau]
“Another day, another gimmick from Scott Walker,” said Ross. “And yet, Walker still refuses to detail how he will pay for $3 billion in tax cuts, loopholes and shifts that overwhelmingly benefit the rich, big business and favored donors and will require drastic cuts to education, health care and police and fire protection.”
Additional details about Walker’s failed record for Milwaukee County can be found at: