Scott Walker turns his back on elderly, disabled, at-risk youth, homeless
Scott Walker has declared war on the people of Milwaukee.
Seniors. The disabled. The poor. The homeless. At-risk youth. All under attack in Walker’s War.
We must stand up together and speak out against Scott Walker’s War on Milwaukee.
According to officials who have studied Walker’s planned cuts “the county’s poorest and most vulnerable residents would bear the brunt.”
Funding for the County’s Youth Sport Authority to help at-risk teens: GONE
County funding for homeless shelters: GONE
Programs to support disabled and seniors: $2.4 MILLION GONE
In addition, Scott Walker’s War on Milwaukee ends a critical short-term disability aid program; slashes almost all funding for a program to help ensure poor people can have proper burials; and hacks three-quarters of a million dollars from a youth delinquency program.
Sign the pledge to fight against Walker’s ridiculous cuts:
This isn’t the first time Scott Walker has attacked the people of Milwaukee. But with social and human services in even higher demand due to the nationwide economic collapse caused by the failed policies of Walker-ally George W. Bush, these cuts are just irresponsible.
Walker’s cuts are obscene.
And they must be stopped.
Take just a moment and sign the pledge to fight against Walker’s devastating cuts. We must send Scott Walker a united message that we will not tolerate his War on Milwaukee.
With so much suffering, how can Walker who has been paid by government since 1993 treat those most in need of government help with such disdain?
Seniors. The disabled. The poor. The homeless. At-risk youth.