On the Take: Brian Hagedorn Personally Profited From Speeches to a Hate Group While a Sitting Judge
Brian Hagedorn Refusing to Give a Straight Answer If He Would Sit on Cases Involving Hate Group Alliance Defending Freedom.
Brian Hagedorn Refusing to Give a Straight Answer If He Would Sit on Cases Involving Hate Group Alliance Defending Freedom.
Brian Hagedorn continues to keep Wisconsin voters in the dark about what he said in his speeches to a hate group.
Brian Hagedorn's refusal to divulge remarks raises red flags about his commitment to treating everyone equally before the law.
Brian Hagedorn said he was compensated for giving speeches while a state court judge but has refused to release copies or recordings of his remarks.
State Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn still has not disclosed the contents of speeches given to a hate group.
One Wisconsin Now today demanded Brian Hagedorn turn over any records of his remarks for which he was compensated by the ADF.
State Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn was paid thousands of dollars by an anti-LGBTQ hate group.
A top lawyer in Scott Walker’s office joined Attorney General Brad Schimel attending a controversial conference hosted by the Alliance Defending Freedom.