
A Partisan Economist Writes A Partisan Report

As we approached the new year OWN pointed out that the estate tax in Wisconsin was set to expire. Just last month we informed the public that this move would cost the state some $300 million. Ironically that is the same amount of our current budget deficit. It is in the name of that deficit […]

Misleading Ryan Narrative Continues

Last week Republican Congressman Paul Ryan scored some press coverage by unveiling his annual ‘€œBudget Boondogle Awards.’€  The coverage included a blurb in the state’€™s largest newspaper, complete with a comparison to the late Wisconsin Senator William Proxmire.   Once again Paul Ryan is being given a pass, playing the role of an authority on sound […]

Use Estate Tax Cut to Fill Budget Gap

One Wisconsin Now has launched a statewide online petition drive calling for Wisconsin legislators to fill a projected $300 million budget shortfall not by slashing critical programs to the poor, elderly and disabled, but by reinstating the estate tax for the heirs and heiresses of Wisconsin’s wealthiest which expired January 1.  This $300 million brand new […]

Pass the Buck Walker Strikes Again

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported today that since Scott Walker has been Milwaukee County Executive, the county’s budget for administering its income assistance program has shrunk by about $1.7 million.  The shrinking has not been done based on necessity because the number of people seeking food stamps has increased 10.5 percent during the same period.  […]

Nominating Ryan for A Boondoggle Award

In October Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Janesville) revealed his “Budget Boondoggle” awards.  At that time we drew attention to the hypocrisy of him preaching a message of sound budget policy.  We made this case because his first eight years in Congress saw him vote in favor of every single federal budget – joining the then-Republican majority […]

Resolutions for Every List

While everyone is talking about New Year resolutions, it seems appropriate to suggest a few for Wisconsin progressives. Below are a few items that should make every list. Real Health Care Reform It is certainly no secret that Wisconsin pays some of the highest health care costs in the nation. These out of control costs […]