David Clarke: Extremist, Bombastic, Incompetent
David Clarke is speaking today in Cleveland at the Republican National Convention in advance of Donald Trump’s nomination as the GOP’s 2016 Presidential nominee.
David Clarke is speaking today in Cleveland at the Republican National Convention in advance of Donald Trump’s nomination as the GOP’s 2016 Presidential nominee.
"It sure is 'Midwest nice' of Gov. Walker to give Republicans a place to drown their sorrows over Donald Trump being their presidential nominee." [Associated Press]
Trump University left students across the country deep in debt. Will Ron Johnson continue to endorse more for-profit colleges as a solution to the student loan debt crisis?
Donald Trump gives Scott Walker the maximum contribution for his re-election campaign, Scott Walker turns around and seeks to make oversight of the for-profit college racket more difficult.
The liberal group One Wisconsin Now raised questions about the timing of that proposal in relation to the ongoing Trump University investigation and Trump's donation to Walker. [Capital Times]
The next time Paul Ryan is held out as the intellectual heart of the Republican Party remember he is voting to give Donald Trump the codes to our nation’s nuclear arsenal. [Capital Times]
Scot Ross of the liberal One Wisconsin Now said, "Paul Ryan doesn't get to split the baby; you endorse Trump and you endorse the sexism, the racism and his dangerous views on foreign policy." [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
House Speaker Paul Ryan today announced in a newspaper column that he will vote for Donald Trump, an act a Ryan spokesperson subsequently indicated was an endorsement.
“Donald Trump is a racist, misogynistic narcissist who has won the Republican presidential nomination by appealing to the most repugnant elements in American politics,” said Scot Ross. [Racine Journal Times]
Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said he thinks Ryan is trying to protect himself from further political fallout from Trump's campaign. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Donald Trump is the embodiment of the same hate culture upon which Gov. Scott Walker and many of the state’s leading elected Republicans built their careers and rose to power.
One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross made his regular appearance on UNSPUN to discuss how and why Trump is the last GOP candidate standing. [WMTV-TV]
Gov. Walker is the only state Republican to have received campaign contributions from Trump, a maximum $10,000 contribution, on June 23, 2014.
When it comes to Donald Trump, you’ve got a better chance of seeing a wall along the Canadian border than Scott Walker criticizing Donald Trump by name.
Results being reported in “Super Tuesday” Republican Presidential Primary states indicate Donald Trump will maintain his status as the frontrunner for the GOP nomination.