
Wisconsin’s photo ID law for voters to face lawsuit

A challenge to the law in federal court could also still happen. For instance the liberal group One Wisconsin Now has said it’s considering a lawsuit of its own. Executive director Scot Ross declined to speak about any possible federal lawsuit Friday but said the language of the state constitution showed that its framers saw […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Recall Recap: The End of the Enthusiasm Gap

As the folks at One Wisconsin Now have noted, Democrats performed better in these recalls than they did in last fall’s gubernatorial election—even though six of the nine recalls were on Republican turf that Walker carried last fall. [Express Milwaukee]

Senate GOP Faces New Reality

The last of the recalls were held Tuesday, but that didn’t silence talk Wednesday from Democrats who have been weighing a recall attempt against Walker.”It is clear (Walker) is the problem and he must be recalled in 2012 so that Wisconsin can heal and we can begin to undo the destruction he has caused,” said […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Wisconsin recalls: Is Gov. Scott Walker next?

On Wednesday, Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, called for the recall of Walker next year.”The damage Gov. Walker has inflicted on Wisconsin from a public policy standpoint is only surpassed by the painful division he has created in cities, towns, villages and families across Wisconsin. It is clear he […] [Star Tribune]

Opposing view: Recalls restore accountability

In the last century, our nation has seen fewer than two dozen state legislators and just two governors removed from office through the rarely used vehicle of recall. Case in point: When Wisconsin voters ousted two Republican state senators through recalls last week, it doubled the number of senators who have met this fate in […] [USA Today]

After the Wisconsin Recalls, What’s Next?

Scot Ross, the executive director of One Wisconsin Now, a left-leaning communications group, described the future of Wisconsin’s young progressive movement with a metaphor any Wisconsinite could love: football. Right now the movement is at halftime, Ross says. The first quarter was gathering more than 180,000 signatures to trigger Tuesday’s recalls. The second was the recalls […] [Mother Jones]

Recall Wins Show Governor Vulnerable

Other leading Democrats and liberal activists were more ebullient about Tuesday’s results, saying the two Democratic wins showed Walker is weak and ripe for recall. “Gov. Walker remains the most divisive elected official the state of Wisconsin has had and people remain outraged about what he has done to divide our state,” said Scot Ross, […] [Houston Chronicle]

Dems Push Ahead with Plans to Recall Walker

But Walker critics said the momentum behind efforts to recall people like the governor continue. “Gov. Walker remains the most divisive elected official Wisconsin has had,” said Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin State Journal]

Walker says he’ll focus on bipartisanship, jobs

To trigger a recall election of Walker, Democrats would need to gather 540,208 signatures, or one-quarter of the nearly 2.2 million votes cast in the 2010 gubernatorial election. Recall petitions cannot be circulated until early November and cannot be offered for filing with state elections officials until Jan. 3 of next year, according to the […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Democrats Mull Recall of Gov. Walker

Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said he believed there was still an appetite among Democrats to take on Walker in a recall election. “Gov. Walker has divided the state of Wisconsin like no other state official has and I think a recall of Scott Walker is still very real,” […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Darling Delivers for Out-of-State Billionaires

In June, as Darling was promoting Walker’s budget and new school privatization measures, watchdog groups filed an open records request seeking her office’s correspondence relating to the effort. For two months, Darling refused. Finally, One Wisconsin Now filed a lawsuit demanding that the senator be compelled to obey the law. Darling finally released the documents […] [Capital Times]

Simac’s Career Bulletproof With New Book

Simac faces Sen. Jim Holperin, D-Conover, on Aug. 16. The liberal group One Wisconsin Now now has an entire website dedicated to “Stuff Simac Says,” playing off of her penchant for making controversial statements. [Wisconsin State Journal]

GE Move Shows Corporate Tax Breaks Are a Failure

Despite Gov. Scott Walker’s six-month sell-off of Wisconsin state government to corporate special interests at the cost of nearly $2 billion over the next decade, General Electric’s X-ray business just announced it is moving its Waukesha headquarters to Beijing, China. Walker and the Republican Legislature just handed out nearly $2 billion in new corporate tax […] [Wisconsin State Journal]

Darling Pushed Legislation to Benefit Out-Of-State Corporation

Now, new records just obtained from One Wisconsin Now show that Darling’s staff coordinated with an AFC lobbyist on legislation not that long before their ad and mailer blitz inundated voters in Darling’s district. An analysis by One Wisconsin Now shows the legislation Darling was working on with AFC lobbyists is strikingly similar to ‘model legislation’ pushed […] [We Are Wisconsin]

Open Records Obstruction

One Wisconsin Now was recently forced to file an open records lawsuit against state Senator Alberta Darling because she was stonewalling them on a request that they made to her office. They requested communications between her office and various elements of the private school industry. Only after they actually filed their lawsuit did Darling finally acknowledge […] [Eye on Wisconsin]

Board dismisses complaints in recalls

Members of the state Government Accountability Board on Thursday dismissed complaints filed against three state senators facing recall elections this month. But Scot Ross, head of One Wisconsin, stood by his complaint, saying Olsen got off on a technicality. “Luther Olsen wrote legislation that will specifically benefit his wife’s organization financially, and this loophole that […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Luther Olsen Didn’t Break the Law

Olsen said Thursday that One Wisconsin Now, which filed the complaint, knew that his wife wouldn’t profit from the bill. The measure, he said, would potentially create more work for her and her agency. “Of course, it was a stunt,” said Olsen, who is being challenged by Rep. Fred Clark (D-Baraboo) on Tuesday. But Scot Ross, head of One Wisconsin, stood […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

State Puts Breaks on Plan to Close DMV Site

A lawsuit over Wisconsin’s voter ID law is widely expected. In 2008 the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Indiana’s voter ID law in a 6-3 ruling. Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, said the lack of access to DMV centers in Wisconsin defies the high court’s ruling. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Liberals Mock Simac’s Missing Blog Posts

“This is complete and total cowardly hypocrisy, when you start scrubbing your past record,” said Scott Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now. “(Stuff Simac Says) is an accountability measure to ensure that people have information.” Ross agreed with me about the parallel between O’Donnell and Simac candidacies, but he saw it a bit differently. […] [Wausau Daily Herald]

Americans For Prosperity Accused of Voter Suppression In Wisconsin Recall Elections

One Wisconsin Now, a non-profit statewide progressive communications network, says the ad buy appears to be an effort to help the six Republican state Senators who were challenged by recall elections after supporting Governor Scott Walker’s anti-collective bargaining legislation in early 2011. [Huffington Post]

More GOP/Oligarchs Voter Suppression in Wisconsin

According to One Wisconsin Now, Tim Dake, leader of the Tea Party group Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty, lays out the plans for engaging in vote caging, detailing contact between himself and Reince Preibus, the Republican Party of Wisconsin Chair and Mark Block, state director of Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin. [Weird Load Reboot]

Darling Sued

The organization One Wisconsin Now filed suit against Sen. Alberta Darling (R) in Dane County Circuit Court yesterday for allegedly ignoring an open records request. The group made the original request on June 8, seeking any communications between Darling and private school voucher groups receiving state funding. After receiving no response, OWN says they contacted Darling a second time on […] [Ballot News]

One Wisconsin Now: Files lawsuit against Sen. Alberta Darling for Refusing Open Records

One Wisconsin Now filed a lawsuit today against Sen. Alberta Darling for refusing to release public records related to communications she and her office may have had with various pro-school privatization organizations and individuals in the weeks preceding her efforts to increase the funding for private schools and expand their scope.  [WisPolitics]

Liberal Group Sues Sen. Darling over open records request

A liberal group filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Sen. Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) for allegedly ignoring an open records request. The group One Wisconsin Now said it had sought on June 8 any communications that Darling, the co-chairwoman of the Legislature’s powerful budget committee, may have had with private school voucher groups which receive state […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

In recall campaigns, union is a dirty word – on both sides

Scot Ross, a liberal muckraker for the advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, agreed that voters have already made up their minds on the union issues so it doesn’t make much sense to bring it up during the campaign. [Wisconsin State Journal]

In Wis. Recalls, union is dirty word on both sides

Scot Ross, a liberal muckraker for the advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, agreed that voters have already made up their minds on the union issues so it doesn’t make much sense to bring it up during the campaign. [Washington Examiner]

When 501(c)4s attack, it can get explosive

Take for instance the recent kerfuffle between two of the biggest 501(c)4s in the state The conservative Wisconsin Club for Growth, and the liberal One Wisconsin Now, or simply OWN, got into it over how much the Club for Growth was pumping into ads for recalled Republican state Senators. [Sun Prairie Star]

Koch-Backed Group Buys $150k in TV Time for Wisconsin Ad Blitz

Scot Ross, executive director of the progressive group One Wisconsin Now, called AFP’s new ad blitz “the granddaddy of corporate, big oil special interest money” and a last-ditch effort to salvage the GOP majority in the state senate. “The Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity has now dumped over $500,000 to pollute Wisconsin airwaves about the […] [Mother Jones]

GOP Eases Regulations on Puppy Mills

Scot Ross of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now pounced on the proposal. “This is another extremist bill from the Republican legislature that won’t create jobs and serves special interests, Ross said. “Not content with hurting working families and our children with their draconian cuts, the Republicans are now going after puppies.” [Wisconsin State Journal]

Liberal Group Blasts Simac With New Website

A website created Tuesday by One Wisconsin Now, a liberal advocacy group, lambasts Senate recall candidate Kim Simac for saying “outrageous stuff.” The website, Stuff Simac Says, lists quotes from Pajama Media, a conservative website Simac contributes to, along with other news stories about the candidate. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Walker Makes it Harder to Obtain Voter ID

And if so, Jorgensen is right. Voter fraud is virtually nonexistent in Wisconsin. As One Wisconsin Now reported, there were more UFO sightings (40) in Wisconsin in 2008 than reports of improper voting (14) out of the 3 million votes cast in the 2008 election. [AFL-CIO]

King Says Hopper Did Not Pay Taxes

According the 2008 article, the liberal One Wisconsin Now group obtained state Department of Revenue income tax data for Hopper and his five businesses. Since an open records request could take a week or more, and the elections are upon us, we asked One Wisconsin Now for the data they received, which was contained in a letter from the […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Democrats Seize Advantage in Recalls

Club for Growth Wisconsin has dumped at least $1.5 million into the recall races, according to the progressive group One Wisconsin Now, which tells me it got the information from its ad tracker. Even more tellingly, the Club has poured a surprising $400,000 into the battle to recall state senator Alberta Darling, who was once […] [DailyKos]

VanderLeest Alleges Campaign Collusion; DOJ not Investigating

In a press release, VanderLeest said the GAB and justice department were looking into whether Hansen’s campaign, Greater Wisconsin Political Fund, Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, We Are Wisconsin, the Brown County Democratic Party and One Wisconsin Now violated federal racketeering laws by coordinating campaign efforts. [Green Bay Press-Gazette]

WI Voter ID Law

Scot Ross, head of the advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, said evidence suggests reduced voter participation is likely. “When new impediments prevent otherwise legal voters from exercising their constitutional right to vote, that is the definition of disenfranchisement.” Rob Richie, executive director, Fair Vote, The Center for Voting and Democracy, uses “disenfranchise” to describe what […] [Examiner]

Anti-Abortion group denies suppressing recall vote

In a Wednesday press release Scott Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, says such tactics would amount to “voter suppression” and calls on law enforcement officials to investigate. “The timing of the calls certainly raises the questions: were these calls meant to keep certain voters from going to the polls?” he says. [Capital Times]

Redistricting doesn’t affect Madison

In Madison, however, it looks like changes will be minimal, most likely because the GOP figured the city and the surrounding area were a lost cause when it comes to redrawing boundaries. “Republicans can’t gain seats in Madison,” said Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, a Madison-based progressive advocacy group. “All the districts […] [Wisconsin State Journal]

Women’s rights rally to call for Prosser Retirement

The women’s groups aren’t the only ones calling for Prosser to step down. Last week, a Wisconsin non-profit, non-partisan advocacy group called for the justice to resign. One Wisconsin Now — which also was expected to participate in Tuesday’s rally — delivered to the Court the names of more than 10,000 people calling for Prosser’s […] [Legal Newsline]

Wisconsin progressive groups rally, call for a Prosser leave of absence

There is a reason the rest of the country has its eye on Wisconsin, said Scot Ross, executive director of liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now. Ross said Prosser has brought “dishonor” to the state’s highest court because of his violent behavior. “This is classic workplace bullying, and it’s got to stop,” Ross said. One Wisconsin […] [Isthmus]

Prosser should be treated like others accused of workplace violence

Others in attendance included former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk, Rabbi Bonnie Margulis with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, and Scot Ross, the director of One Wisconsin Now, a progressive advocacy group. Ross’ group delivered a petition with more than 10,000 signatures last week to Prosser’s office that called from the justice to resign. […] [Wisconsin State Journal]

Big labor pours money into recalls, supports Holperin

And, as impressive as the cash numbers are, that’s not all. Other groups – mostly unions – have contributed more than $1.2 million in in-kind contributions, including WEAC, the Service Employees International Union, the League of Conservation Voters, the United Food and Commercial Workers and the National Education Association. Much of the money was, of […] [Lakeland Times]

Women’s rights rally against Prosser

Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, will also speak. The liberal advocacy group has collected more than 10,000 petition signatures calling for Prosser’s resignation. [Isthmus]

Petition aims to oust Wis. SC justice after alleged attack

A Wisconsin non-profit, non-partisan advocacy group is calling for state Supreme Court David Prosser to resign. On Tuesday, One Wisconsin Now delivered to the Court the names of more than 10,000 people calling for Prosser’s removal after accusations that he choked a fellow justice. [Legal Newsline]

WI Justice Encouraged to Resign

An activist group says it has collected 10,000 signatures demanding that state Supreme Court Justice David Prosser resign after fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley accused him of grabbing her neck in a chokehold. “Prosser took his bullying to a new level of unacceptable conduct and now he must go,” said One Wisconsin Now Executive Director […] [Ms Magazine]

Liberal Group Calls for Prosser’s Resignation

The liberal group One Wisconsin Now said Tuesday it gave the state Supreme Court a list of over 10,000 names of those who are asking Justice David Prosser to resign because of a recent physical altercation he had with another justice. The group has spearheaded the effort to force Prosser off the bench after Justice Ann Walsh Bradley said Prosser put her […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

WI Supreme Court: 10,000 petition Prosser to resign

One Wisconsin Now, a political action group in the Badger state, announced yesterday that their petition calling on Wisconsin Supreme Court justice, and possible felon, David Prosser to resign has gathered 10,000 signatures since going live last Monday. One Wisconsin Now includes this video montage on their petition page, including footage of Prosser charging a Democratic colleague while serving in […] [DailyKos]