
P is for Payoff

The Milwaukee-based Bradley Foundation is among the largest funders of the right-wing propaganda machine in the country. Their influence in Wisconsin cannot be underestimated.

WEDC: Four Years of Failure

Time has proven WEDC to be an abject failure at job creation, and, some argue, a symbol of the cronyism, corruption, and incompetence of the Scott Walker administration.

Wisconsin’s Great Cost Shift

Declining financial support for higher education has shifted costs onto consumers, increased student loan debt and decreased the affordability of higher ed.

S is for Shill

This report exposes the web of right-wing funders advancing a radical school privatization agenda through the use of Wisconsin-based front groups, with special focus on the Bradley Foundation, headed by Scott Walker's campaign co-chair Michael Grebe.

Protecting the Right to Vote in Wisconsin

Voting is not only our right; it is our duty. It is how we have a say in the direction of our community, our state and our country. Voting is the one time everyone is equal. Young or old, rich or poor, on Election Day everyone gets the same say.

Scott Walker’s Billionaires Club

An unprecedented cross-country cash grab, driven by donations from wealthy, right-wing ideologues and special interests, turbocharged with a campaign finance loophole allowed Gov. Scott Walker to raise donations in unlimited amounts to fund expenses related to “recall defense.”

D is for Dismantle

There is a long-held belief among many conservatives that public schools are simply not an appropriate role of government and should be privatized through the use of vouchers. One of the staunchest supporters of this extreme view is Gov. Scott Walker.

We’re Not Broke

With the mantra “we're broke,” Gov. Scott Walker proposed slashing funding to services and public goods of the middle class – all the while cutting taxes by $200 million for the wealthy and corporations. The reality is that there is no fiscal emergency and we're not broke.