Campaign Cash Keeps Flowing to WILL’s Shill Dan Kelly
Dan Kelly has taken over $14,000 from members of the board of directors of a right-wing legal outfit that has argued multiple cases in front of the state Supreme Court.
Dan Kelly has taken over $14,000 from members of the board of directors of a right-wing legal outfit that has argued multiple cases in front of the state Supreme Court.
The communities with the largest numbers of voters targeted in a right-wing instigated voter roll purge also delivered big vote margins for Democrats in 2016.
The case is being brought by the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL), with whom Dan Kelly has been closely associated.
Reacting to WILL’s lawsuit Wednesday, liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now condemned the suit. [Courthouse News Service]
One Wisconsin Now Institute said the suit is a tactic utilized around the country by conservatives seeking to manipulate the rules on voting. [Wisconsin Radio Network]
[One Wisconsin Institute] said WILL's suit is an attempt to manipulate the rules to give conservative-backed Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly. [Wisconsin State Journal]
Right-wing supporters of Dan Kelly are going to court to try to purge registered Wisconsinites from poll lists.
The right wing in Wisconsin is going to pull out all the stops to keep Dan Kelly around like trying to bully a commission into a pre-election voter roll purge.
Analiese Eicher, executive director of the liberal One Wisconsin Now, accused the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty of trying to give Republicans an advantage in next year's elections with a "back-door voter roll purge." [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Bigoted Views, Affiliations With Hate Group and Conflicts of Interest Cast Cloud Over Newest Member of State High Court.
“Republicans and their allies are trying to reverse the results of an election,” said Mike Browne of One Wisconsin Now. [Urban Milwaukee]
Republicans and their allies like those bringing the lawsuit want to overturn the results of the November election. [Associated Press]
One Wisconsin Now said WILL isn't an organization producing unbiased information because they're ... a lobbying organization. [Capital Times]
“It’s a pretty dramatic expansion,” said Mike Browne of One Wisconsin Now — a liberal group that clashes frequently with WILL. [Capital Times]
[One Wisconsin Now] said the initiative is an effort to promote Walker's political agenda through litigation and "propaganda." [Capital Times]
One Wisconsin Now criticized the announcement, [calling it] an effort by Governor Scott Walker’s campaign chair to do what the governor has been unable to accomplish with his policies. [Wisconsin Radio Network]
“All the lawsuits and propaganda they file isn’t going to change the fact that Gov. Walker has failed the people of Wisconsin over and over and over again,” said Scot Ross with One Wisconsin Now. [Associated Press]
Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said the new center and the Bradley Foundation don't represent the state's citizens and their needs. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Gov. Walker is denying legal counsel to a state agency because the lawsuit was brought by his campaign chair’s legal fund.
The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty is not simply a conservative, public interest law firm. It is a virtual extension of the political apparatus surrounding Gov. Scott Walker. [Crooks & Liars]
The watchdog group One Wisconsin Now released research on the Milwaukee-based Bradley Foundation, headed by Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign co-chair. [Wisconsin Gazette]
Once again we see Michael Grebe and his Bradley Foundation paving the way for Gov. Walker’s right-wing, Tea Party agenda with a massive propaganda campaign.
Johnson spent $9 million in 2010 in deceptive ads to win and he starts his 2016 campaign with the biggest lie of all by ignoring the unseemly $10 million ‘PACUR payoff’ that magically came just after the 2010 campaign.
Based on new federal campaign finance filings, One Wisconsin Now has updated their FEC complaint over Johnson and the WILL’s lawsuit against Obamacare.
The wallet and fingerprints of Scott Walker’s campaign co-chair, Michael Grebe, are all over this last-second desperate smear against Mary Burke.
A review of IRS records and Bradley Foundation reports reveals they have provided significant financial support for the media outlet that first reported on the smear.
A right-wing “public interest” law firm and a legal expert who have raked in at least $1.75 million from the Bradley Foundation are entering the fray to try to help Gov. Walker out of his most recent legal jam.
For the years in which Federal IRS records are available for both the Bradley Foundation and WILL, 2011 and 2012, Bradley funds accounted for over 90 percent of the total money WILL reported raising.
The head of the WILL changed his story again in response to questions about how his organization is being paid for legal work he is doing for Ron Johnson.
One Wisconsin Now is updating its complaint with federal election regulators over Johnson’s failure to properly disclose his campaign’s spending for his legal costs.
The right-wing legal organization that helped bring the case received financial support from the Bradley Foundation run by Scott Walker’s campaign chair .
While Walker refuses to answer if he continues to direct a scheme to avoid campaign laws, the right-wing mega-funder Bradley Foundation’s chief Michael Grebe, might have the answer.
In a recent press release Sen. Ron Johnson announced he is calling for more “transparency” in the Congressional Budget Office’s fiscal analyses of the Affordable Care Act.
Besides using the Bradley Foundation-funded law firm and getting a sweetheart delayed billing deal, Johnson is trying to milk this lawsuit for campaign cash for himself.
One Wisconsin Now has filed a complaint with the FEC alleging Johnson improperly failed to disclose expenditures associated with his lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act.
Despite declaring he could use campaign funds to cover legal costs, a review of Johnson's campaign finance reports reveal no incurred obligations or expenditures related to the suit.
According to documents reviewed by One Wisconsin Now, staples of the state right wing noise machine were once again beneficiaries of the largesse of Michael Grebe in 2012.
The lawsuit by the WILL over a contract signed by the MATC comes thanks to the CEO of the Bradley Foundation, which has contributed $500,000 to WILL.