The Complete Scott Walker-‘David Koch’ Transcript
While Gov. Scott Walker hasn’t been willing with, or even talk to, Wisconsin’s workers, he was more than willing to take a call from someone he thought was gazillionaire David Koch.
Of course, Gov. Walker would take the call. Koch Industries gave Walker’s campaign $43,000 and now Koch propaganda machine, Americans for Prosperity, is spending $320,000 to support Walker’s effort to use the government to take away the rights of working families.
Well, here’s the transcript. Read for yourself how Walker brags about using layoff threats to bully and intimidate working families into submission.
Working families have offered to meet Walker on all of his financial demands. But they aren’t willing to lose their rights.
This call confirms everything the 74 percent of Wisconsinites who oppose Walker’s plan already know: Walker doesn’t care at all about our Wisconsin values. He’s just a pawn of Wall Street interests and the Koch fiends.
And he’s gullible to boot.