The Week Ahead: Scott Walker a Featured Speaker at Florida Alt-Right Conference, Paul Ryan to Add $1.5 Trillion to Federal Deficit and Ron Johnson Gets His ‘Badger Bribe’
Scott Walker, Paul Ryan and Ron Johnson All Deserving of Holiday Jeer

MADISON, Wis. — In the midst of the holiday season, right-wing Wisconsin politicians have a busy week of spreading discord and looting the federal treasury. Scott Walker will be appearing as a featured speaker at an alt-right conference in Florida, and reputed fiscal conservative Paul Ryan could be adding $1.5 trillion to the federal deficit while Ron Johnson pads his own pocketbook with a “Badger Bribe” included in the tax deal to win his vote.
“Scott Walker, Paul Ryan and Ron Johnson all deserve a heaping serving of holiday jeer for their behavior this week,” said Ross. “Paul Ryan exploding the deficit by over a trillion dollars, Ron Johnson got his ‘Badger Bribe’ and Scott Walker is consorting with neo-Nazis and white supremacists.”
A cavalcade of hate mongers will be descending on Florida Tuesday for a three day conference featuring some of the most extreme and divisive figures in American politics today. According to promotional materials, Gov. Scott Walker will be sharing the stage as a featured speaker with the likes of Sebastian Gorka, a former Donald Trump aide with ties to Nazi-allied groups, Dinesh D’Souza, a convicted felon who vocally supported pedophile U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore, noted white nationalist Steve Bannon, and a host of other right-wing purveyors of sexism, racism, homophobia and xenophobia.
Paul Ryan has lived a charmed life in Congress where he is routinely held up as the intellectual heart and soul of the modern Republican Party, despite his complete lack of actual achievement. But this week, Ryan is poised to do something significant, pass a massive tax giveway to the wealthy and corporations that will add up to $1.5 trillion to the federal deficit.
Also flying under the radar this week is Ron Johnson’s “Badger Bribe.” Sen. Johnson withheld his vote in the Senate on the GOP’s tax giveaway plan until he was able to include a provision further reducing taxes on “pass through” entities like Pacur, the company he co-founded and in which he maintains a personal financial interest.
Ross added that Sen. Ron Johnson deserves a special lump of coal in his stocking for his recent flippant quip characterizing pedophile Roy Moore’s assault of young girls as “dating.