What Senator Scott Fitzgerald Knew
The evidence shows to date state Sen. Scott Fitzgerald has not been forthcoming or honest with the media about these matters.
The evidence shows to date state Sen. Scott Fitzgerald has not been forthcoming or honest with the media about these matters.
Before he was Attorney General, Brad Schimel said elected officials should be able to help their campaign donors, and this latest action shows he wasn’t kidding. [Wisconsin State Journal]
Scot Ross, executive director of liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, chastised Schimel’s move, noting the political arm of [WMC]. [Racine Journal Times]
One Wisconsin Now argues that under the U.S. Supreme Court case Caperton v. Massey Coal, at least a few of those judges should have recused themselves. The case found a judge must recuse when "extreme facts" create a "probability of bias." [Capital Times]
Scott Walker’s gubernatorial calendars for the months of August and September show he largely ignored his duties as governor as he mounted a historically inept presidential campaign.
There is no universe which exists where an ambitious career politician like Scott Walker wouldn’t have his high priced criminal defense lawyers find out if he was under criminal investigation.
Scot Ross, president of the progressive group One Wisconsin Now, concurred with Fischer. “Scott Walker simply cannot be trusted,” he said. “Scott Walker repeatedly told the people of Wisconsin he wasn't under criminal investigation. Today, the evidence shows Scott Walker repeatedly wasn't telling the people of Wisconsin the truth.” [Daily Beast]
Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal One Wisconsin Now, said that the conflict of interest among the justices was part of a system "run amok". [CNN]
Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign and outside groups accused of illegally coordinating campaign activities were let off the hook today by four justices of the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Scot Ross, director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, accused Gableman of having political motives in attempting to revive the appeal. [Associated Press]
Scott Walker's political philosophy can be summed up in three easy steps: (1) Reward my donors, (2) Increase my power, and (3) Punish my enemies.
One Wisconsin Now is warning New Hampshire voters to beware this weekend when Walker visits to audition for the 2016 GOP Presidential nomination.
In comments to the media yesterday, Daley is again supporting the GOP authored power grab also backed by the conservative special interest lobby WMC.
Legislative Republicans have fast-tracked resolutions to undo Wisconsin's 125 year-old system of selecting the Chief Justice of the state Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court, with Justice Bradley abstaining, voted to hear several appeals related to the criminal investigation of collusion between the Walker's campaign and outside groups.
In an undated letter unearthed by the liberal group One Wisconsin Now during the August release of documents from the first of two John Doe investigations related to the governor, Walker responded to a letter from Milwaukee attorney and chairman of the Wisconsin Center District Franklyn Gimbel… The letter is signed, “Thank you again and Molotov.” [Capital Times]
Johnson’s comments were part of a consistent campaign by Republicans to suppress voter turnout through public statements and disenfranchisement legislation.
The wallet and fingerprints of Scott Walker’s campaign co-chair, Michael Grebe, are all over this last-second desperate smear against Mary Burke.
A review of IRS records and Bradley Foundation reports reveals they have provided significant financial support for the media outlet that first reported on the smear.
Gov. Walker and his team's actions show that they believe Wisconsin's open records statute is a nuisance to be evaded, not a law to be followed.
New documents released show that Walker helped his longtime campaign treasurer get inside information for a bid to lease office space to the county. Ross, who describes Walker’s administration as “arguably one of the most corrupt in recent history,” is calling for those aides, Cindy Archer and Jim Villa, to resign [The Progressive]
Running for office on a platform of transparency in contracting while working surreptitiously to manipulate a contract for the benefit of a political crony is at the top of the list.
New documents reveal how individuals participated in providing inside info to try to help a political crony of then-County Executive, and now Walker win a lucrative publicly-funded contract.
Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, called the email exchange “Exhibit A” for how Walker, a Republican up for re-election, put politics ahead of public service. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
One Wisconsin Now said the four-year-old rules are a “get-out-of-court-free card” for powerful interests that spend heavily in Supreme Court races. His group has called on the four justices to recuse themselves from any John Doe case. “There’s an $8 million weight on the scales of justice spent to elect these justices,” Ross said. [Wisconsin State Journal]
A reminder from April 14 of how four of seven Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices owe their current elected position to the millions of dollars in spending in their races by the Wisconsin Club for Growth and Wisconsin Manufactures and Commerce. Gov. Scott Walker has previously asked the appeal of the Peterson ruling go directly to […]
Gov. Walker has refused responsibility for his actions or to be held accountable for his bad decisions. [MSNBC]
A right-wing “public interest” law firm and a legal expert who have raked in at least $1.75 million from the Bradley Foundation are entering the fray to try to help Gov. Walker out of his most recent legal jam.
MADISON, Wis. — Despite claims made by Gov. Walker to the media that he was an intractable supporter of reducing mining regulations, as reported in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel today Walker as a state legislator voted for the so-called “mining moratorium” bill authored by environmental champion, former Madison Democratic State Rep. Spencer Black. “Scott Walker […]
For the years in which Federal IRS records are available for both the Bradley Foundation and WILL, 2011 and 2012, Bradley funds accounted for over 90 percent of the total money WILL reported raising.
In comments reported by the news service WisPolitics.com, Gov. Scott Walker admitted he personally solicited contributions for the Wisconsin Club for Growth (WCFG) in 2011 and 2012.
MADISON, Wis. — Contained in hundreds of pages of recently unsealed John Doe investigation court documents is information about the participation of the state big business lobby, the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), in a scheme termed “criminal” by prosecutors orchestrated by Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign. Since the release of the documents, Walker has refused to […]
One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross said there is one simple question Gov. Walker must answer as his 2014 and beyond campaigns heats up: "Are you still doing it?" [MSNBC]
MADISON, Wis. — Court documents from the latest John Doe criminal investigation of Gov. Walker reveal he was at the center of what was described as a national “criminal scheme” to evade campaign laws. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross said there is one simple question Gov. Walker must answer as his 2014 and beyond […]
“Basically what happened was is that they got caught and they are trying to use any and all legal arguments to try and get the case thrown out so they can save their bacon. It’s very simple,” said Scot Ross. [WLUK-TV]
Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, isn’t buying Walker’s answer. “There’s something there,” said Ross. “All this discussion about a settlement comes after there’s been discussion about the records being made public from the investigation and I think that’s what he fears the most.” [WKOW-TV]
MADISON, Wis. — Are settlement talks between Gov. Walker and state prosecutors a desperate attempt to keep documents from a second, ongoing “John Doe” criminal investigation of Walker’s campaign from ever becoming public? One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross noted that word of a deal has heated up as more documents from an earlier John […]
“Seeing what was revealed in just a fraction of the documents from the first John Doe criminal probe of Gov. Walker and his associates, it’s no wonder he’s desperate to keep more of the paper trail of his record of cronyism, corruption and incompetence away from the media and the public,” said Ross. [WMTV-TV]
“There is no question that Gov. Walker is driven by political ambition for higher office and his next election. And he is clearly, and rightly, concerned about what additional document dumps from the criminal investigations of his administration and campaign will do to his 2014 election prospects and 2016 presidential ambitions. What remains to be […] [WQOW-TV]
MADISON, Wis. — Just released filings related to the ongoing John Doe investigation into allegations of illegal coordination between Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign and a host of conservative organizations show Gov. Walker withdrew his own 2011 appointment of then-Government Accountability Board Chair David Deininger following a unanimous vote by the board to proceed with an investigation […]
One Wisconsin Now has filed a formal letter urging four of the court's justices to recuse themselves from a legal request by the campaign of Gov. Scott Walker related to the ongoing John Doe investigation.
One Wisconsin Now sent the court a letter saying two groups involved in the investigation — Wisconsin Club for Growth and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, the state’s chamber of commerce — helped get the court’s four conservative-leaning justices elected. The two groups have spent a combined $7.3 million to support Annette Ziegler, David Prosser, Michael […] [Associated Press]
A liberal group on Monday asked the state Supreme Court to refuse to take a case related to a secret investigation of fundraising and spending in Wisconsin’s recent recall elections. Scot Ross, the executive director of One Wisconsin Now, argued in a letter to the court that the four conservatives on the seven-justice court should have […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Citing numbers from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, OWN executive director Scot Ross noted the four-member conservative majority on the court had benefited from millions of dollars in outside spending by the groups targeted by the investigation. “The parties that Gov. Walker’s legal appeal would protect from investigation have spent millions to put a right-wing majority on […] [Wisconsin State Journal]
MADISON, Wis. — Defense lawyers for Gov. Walker are reportedly appealing to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and its right-wing majority, to try to protect him from prosecutors investigating alleged illegal coordination between his campaign and right-wing groups. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross questioned whether the conservative court majority might be too friendly with Gov. […]
Progress Now affiliates One Wisconsin Now and Pennsylvania’s Keystone Progress are wagering a selection of their state’s craft brews that their Governor will prevail as the worst of the worst.
MADISON, Wis. — Longtime Gov. Walker close confidant, lobbyist and former staffer, Jim Villa, has reportedly been named to a newly created state job that will pay him $178,000 a year. Gov. Walker is said to have given his personal recommendation of Villa for the job. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross commented, “Filling this […]
MADISON, Wis. — In an interview published in the Wall Street Journal, Gov. Walker’s former Milwaukee County Deputy Chief of Staff, Kelly Rindfleisch, alleges she has been shunned by GOP insiders and unable to find employment after her guilty plea on charges of illegal campaigning. Meanwhile, a close confidant of Gov. Walker, who Rindfliesch alleges was […]
MADISON, Wis. — Amidst reports that Gov. Walker was given an advance of over $340,000 for his poorly selling ghost-written book, One Wisconsin Now is calling on him to publicly release the details of the contract. “Gov. Walker looks to be getting an awfully big payday for himself when someone else wrote about his attack on […]
MADISON, Wis. — A new report raises questions about the veracity of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s denial of the existence of a secret email system in the Governor’s office. An article posted today on UrbanMilwaukee.com reports that a source with knowledge of the Governor’s staff operation in the State Capitol described a system of top state […]