The Best Governor Money Can Buy
One Wisconsin Now found that 60 percent of the money awarded by WEDC went to companies that donated $2.1 million to Walker. [Urban Milwaukee]
One Wisconsin Now found that 60 percent of the money awarded by WEDC went to companies that donated $2.1 million to Walker. [Urban Milwaukee]
Another audit finds Gov. Scott Walker’s WEDC continues to fail to meet even basic standards of accountability and competence.
"Gov. Walker is tooling around the state on our dime hearing from an exclusive audience recruited to tell him what he wants to hear," said One Wisconsin Now. [Capital Times]
Scott Walker and his gang are trying to implement a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell policy’ to gag board members and to try to cover up their failures.
"This new audit confirms that WEDC is the embodiment of the cronyism, corruption and incompetence of the Walker administration,” One Wisconsin Now’s Scot Ross told CMD. [Center for Media and Democracy]
It is appalling that Gov. Scott Walker’s WEDC would not do their job because a special interest lobby told them not to.
Wisconsin would be ill-served by more of the Walker administration’s cronyism and corruption and less access to comprehensive health care services for families.
Jenni Dye, research director for One Wisconsin Now, said she doesn’t believe the police logs meet the definition of “transitory” records. [Capital Times]
“Pay-to-play certainly comes to my mind and I know I’m not alone,” said Scot Ross, executive director of the progressive group One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin Gazette]
State employees lost civil service protections when WEDC was created, and it has been plagued with cronyism, corruption and incompetence ever since. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
The centerpiece of Scott Walker’s economic agenda has been a prime example of his administration’s cronyism, corruption and incompetence. Now it's looking for yet another new head.
A report by One Wisconsin Now found that since 2009 the governor’s campaign organization had received more than $2.1 million from individuals linked to WEDC awards. [Politico]
“In his desperate attempt to out-Trump Trump, Scott Walker has out-Palined Palin.” [Daily Beast]
There is a lot of money being spent through this agency to try to create a lot of jobs in Wisconsin, and it has been a complete and utter failure. [WUWM-FM]
Gudex and his fellow Republicans need to remember they’re supposed to be working for us, not covering Walker’s backside, and resist the temptation to allow partisanship to overcome common sense. [Capital Times]
Sen. Gudex and his fellow Republicans need to remember they’re supposed to be working for us, not covering Scott Walker’s backside, and resist the temptation to allow partisanship to overcome common sense.
Updated research by One Wisconsin Institute analyzes four years of failure by the quasi-private Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, created by Gov. Scott Walker and supported by state legislative Republicans.
Scott Walker’s signature promise was to create 250,000 jobs in Wisconsin in his first term. He fell nearly 50% short of that goal, an abysmal failure at the one major promise he made to voters.
The report from One Wisconsin Institute, the research arm of One Wisconsin Now, shows close ties between donors to Walker's campaigns and recipients of awards from WEDC — the quasi-public agency Walker launched to replace the state Department of Commerce shortly after he took office in 2011. [Capital Times]
Much of the cash flowed to Walker’s political allies. According to a new report by the left-leaning One Wisconsin Institute, 60 percent of the $1.14 billion given out by the WEDC went to firms connected to Walker’s campaign contributors—that includes more than $2.1 million those donors have given Walker’s election campaigns directly. [In These Times]
According to a new report by the left-leaning One Wisconsin Institute, 60 percent of the $1.14 billion given out by the WEDC went to firms connected to Walker’s campaign contributors — that includes more than $2.1 million those donors have given Walker’s election campaigns directly. [San Francisco Chronicle]
While we are often at odds with Walker, on this we can agree: He most certainly should be evaluated by the company he keeps and his record in office.
A report released today by One Wisconsin Institute analyzes four years of failure by the quasi-private Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), created by Gov. Scott Walker.
Time has proven WEDC to be an abject failure at job creation, and, some argue, a symbol of the cronyism, corruption, and incompetence of the Scott Walker administration.
What is more, the amount of cash available for the WEDC to carelessly dispense has grown. By the end of 2013, the state had awarded over $970 million in tax credits, loans and grants, according to the watchdog group One Wisconsin Now. [Al Jazeera]
The bottom line is that Scott Walker said when he came into office, this is my blueprint for making good on my promise to create 250,000 jobs. [Daily Beast]
Scott Walker’s signature promise was to create 250,000 jobs in Wisconsin in his first term. He fell nearly 50% short of that goal.
Meanwhile, one of the governor’s loudest critics on the left, Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now, is saying there will be no improvement at WEDC unless politics can be taken out of the equation. [Capital Times]
The final jobs numbers from the federal government covering the first term of Gov. Scott Walker released today confirm the utter failure of his administration to deliver on his job creation promise.
Sen. Rick Gudex's chief of staff called requests for an investigation of the latest instance of WEDC cronyism, corruption and incompetence a “knee-jerk reaction.”
Gov. Walker is in the hot seat over revelations that his top aides successfully lobbied for a risky state loan to the business of a major Walker campaign donor through WEDC.
Last year, a report from One Wisconsin Now cited figures showing that nearly 60 percent of some $975 million in assistance distributed by WEDC went to firms that had contributed to Walker or the RGA. [La Crosse Tribune]
This new audit confirms that WEDC is the embodiment of the cronyism, corruption and incompetence of the Walker administration. [PR Watch]
Walker has come under scrutiny by media for a $62 million-plus award of state funds to the retail outlet Kohl's doled out under his watch as chair WEDC.
“If you look at the Walker record, it has been cuts to infrastructure like public education to fund a trickle-down economic agenda that hasn’t worked,” said Mike Browne, deputy executive director of One Wisconsin Now. [Bloomberg News]
"It’s so bad that after almost four years, every time WEDC comes out of his mouth, you know an excuse is on its way." [Capital Times]
The synergy between Gov. Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and his political fortunes is making headlines again.
Is Walker going to get away with telling people that he has nothing to do with the allocation of WEDC dollars? [Associated Press]
Gov. Scott Walker has steadfastly refused to support a common sense state plan to allow students loan refinancing, just like you can a mortgage.
In his first term in office Gov. Scott Walker signed at least nineteen bills or budget provisions into law that were drawn from corporate bill factory ALEC.
The increasingly desperate campaign of Gov. Scott Walker hastily convened a press conference yesterday to dispute the undeniable facts that his policies and administration have been an utter failure on job creation.
A review of Gov. Scott Walker’s most recent campaign finance report reveals he continues to reap a windfall of campaign donations, nearly $167,000 in just the last six months, from individuals associated with state businesses getting tax breaks, loans and grants through his WEDC.
Gov. Walker has failed to create the jobs he promised us and given WEDC's incompetence, the public needs to know more than ever the way Gov. Walker is spending our money.
In his latest negative television ad, Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign attacks Trek Bicycles - an international company, headquartered in Wisconsin and employing 1,000 state residents.
Walker’s WEDC responded to news reports revealing how they sent millions in tax credits to businesses that cut Wisconsin jobs and shipped work overseas by declaring they’ll do it again.
Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign today announced a new negative television blitz against former Wisconsin Commerce Secretary and business leader Mary Burke.
As a report by One Wisconsin Now detailed last month, 60 percent of WEDC economic development funds went to only 30 percent of businesses receiving assistance. [Julie Lassa]
The report found that owners or employees of 30 percent of businesses receiving WEDC assistance contributed to Gov. Walker's campaign or the RGA. Meanwhile these same businesses received almost 60 percent of WEDC economic development funds - $570 million in total.
A liberal advocacy group is leveling heavy criticism at the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, claiming the quasi-private agency championed by Gov. Scott Walker is delivering financial assistance to campaign donors. [Capital Times]
Last year, a report from the liberal group One Wisconsin Now noted that executives at companies receiving subsidies from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation had contributed $429,060 to Gov. Scott Walker. [Capital Times]