Collective Bargaining

Scott Walker to propose abolishing unions for federal workers

It's no surprise he's now trying to boost his sagging poll numbers by promoting the same kinds of attacks on working people that vaulted him to national prominence while conveniently ignoring how his policies left Wisconsin in shambles. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Labor Issues

Gov. Scott Walker vaulted to national prominence over his attacks on the rights of 175,000 Wisconsin workers shortly after taking office in 2011.

Lawsuit challenging teacher contracts politically motivated, says One WI Now

A lawsuit accusing the Madison School Board of engaging in illegal collective bargaining to the detriment of children and taxpayers was filed by a Milwaukee-based conservative legal group that is a “front” for Gov. Scott Walker, says the director of a Madison progressive advocacy group. [Capital Times]

Walker’s petition initiative undermines Supreme Court

In response, an activist group known as One Wisconsin Now has started its own petition initiative to match Walker’s fundraising efforts. The organization asks signers to “Stand with the Constitution,” referring to the ruling made by Dane County Circuit Court Judge Juan Colas, who believed Walker’s law violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. […] [Badger Herald]

One Wisconsin Institute Report: ‘D is for Dismantle’

A comprehensive analysis entitled “D is for Dismantle,” authored by the non-partisan One Wisconsin Institute shows that despite claims from Gov. Scott Walker, Wisconsin schools are not failing, instead his budget cuts and disastrous education policies endanger our proud tradition of excellent schools.

Walker’s Elves Attack Workers’ Rights in Private Sector

MADISON, Wis. — In the midst of the holiday season, another historic battle is being waged in Wisconsin over workers’ rights. Nearly 200 workers of Machinists Local 516 at Manitowoc Crane have been on strike since November 15 over last-minute provisions management is trying to force on the union. “Nine months after Walker stripped hundreds […]

Walker says he’s not responsible for recall effort against him

But Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, noted Walker did not talk about cutting collective bargaining during the campaign and said Walker was precisely the one who caused the recall effort. “Gov. Walker is responsible for tearing Wisconsin apart and the division which has led to this unprecedented recall effort […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

On the Capitol: Proof of citizenship for Walker event caused confusion

We couldn’t help but laugh a little this week at a press release sent out by One Wisconsin Now. In it, the liberal group’s director, Scot Ross, applauded Judge Maryann Sumi for striking down Gov. Scott Walker’s collective bargaining bill [Wisconsin State Journal]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Latest Illegal Assault on Wisconsin Families

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements on Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican legislative majority’s latest illegal act in order to pass their government take-away of the rights of Wisconsin families. “We exist as a nation of laws and America is losing Wisconsin to Gov. Scott Walker’s […]

Greetings From Fitzwalkerstan: Wisconsin GOP Denies Legislative Democrats Voting Rights

“Senator Scott Fitzgerald isn’t content with illegally passing a bill which takes away the rights of 175,000 working Wisconsinites and now has expanded his attacks to disenfranchise the voices of 2.2 million more Wisconsin residents and taxpayers,” declared Scot Ross, the executive director of the One Wisconsin Now advocacy group, who referred to Fitzgerald’s latest […] [AFL-CIO]

In Walker’s own words: Why collective bargaining is a fiscal issue

How is the possible to split the budget review bill if the governor says repeatedly it’s got a fiscal impact, asks Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now. They sort of slipped by wirthout much notice, but Walker’s office issued a series of four news releases in late February, each one titled, “Why Collective bargaining is […] [Uppity Wisconsin]

Police won’t boot Wisconsin protesters

Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, speaks at a rally outside of the Wisconsin State Capital on Day 11 of protests in Madison, Wisconsin, over Governor Scott Walker’s budget repair bill. [Ball State Daily News]

Wisconsin State Budget and Worker Protests

Scot Ross talked about the ongoing legislative battle between the governor of Wisconsin and state Democrats on the budget, and he responded to telephone calls and electronic communications. [C-SPAN]

Wisconsin State Budget and Worker Protests

Scot Ross talked about the ongoing legislative battle between the governor of Wisconsin and state Democrats on the budget, and he responded to telephone calls and electronic communications. Part of Governor Scott Walker’s budget includes a proposal that would end almost all collective bargaining rights… [C-SPAN]

Walker’s ‘Savings’ Will Cost Taxpayers Millions for the Next 10 Years

MADISON, Wis. — In an attempt to push through his unpopular Budget Repair Bill, Gov. Scott Walker has tried to set a Friday deadline for passage by falsely claiming that lack of action will cost taxpayers money: “If we don’t pass that by this weekend, if we fail to be able to achieve those savings, […]

Rev. Jesse Jackson Marches With Madison — GRITtv special

The fight against Scott Walker’s attack on working people isn’t just in Madison–and it isn’t just about a budget repair bill, say Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now and State Assemblyman Cory Mason. Hundreds of people are protesting and attending town halls in towns across the state, sometimes towns with only a few thousand people […] [Uptake]

What does Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker really want?

One Wisconsin Now, the progressive watchdog group that has provided the closest monitoring of Walker’s budgetary gamesmanship, explains: “Since his inauguration in early January, Walker has approved $140 million in new special-interest [Unions]

Updated: Wisconsin Senate to vote on anti-union bill.

Protesters clogged the hallways of the Wisconsin state Capitol on Thursday as the Senate prepared to pass a momentous bill that would strip government workers, including school teachers, of nearly all collective bargaining rights. [La Crosse Tribune]

Walker’s Budget Scheme: Undemocratic, Unbalanced, Potentially Unconstitutional

Gov. Scott Walker’s scheme to allow the government to take away the rights of Wisconsin workers is part of an unbalanced and potentially unconstitutional proposal that would add at least $30 million to the state’s credit card and allow the Governor’s health agency director to slash health care access and raise costs without the approval of the legislature.

Walker’s budget roils state politics and government

Scot Ross of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now said no governor has used the military against public employees as far back as the 1930’s. He said current events show “just how radical the steps are that Gov. Walker is taking to consolidate his power.” []

Misconceptions spread over National Guard’s role in Walker budget proposal

“No Wisconsin Governor has deployed the military against public employees as far back as the 1930s, showing just how radical the steps are that Gov. Walker is taking to consolidate his power,” said Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin State Journal]