Political Allies

Corporate Funded RGA Returns to Wisconsin to Try to Bail Out Gov. Walker

MADISON, Wis. — Late last week, the Republican Governors Association (RGA) announced via press release that they were returning to Wisconsin with a TV ad criticizing possible recall election opponents of Gov. Walker. According to a One Wisconsin Now analysis of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) records, the special interests and corporations that have donated millions […]

Big Spending, Corporate Funded Republican Governors Association Returns to Try to Bail Out Gov. Walker

MADISON, Wis. — The Virginia based, corporate-funded Republican Governors Association (RGA) announced in a press release today that it has returned to Wisconsin with negative television commercials attacking possible opponents of Gov. Walker in a recall election. But according to One Wisconsin Now spokesperson Mike Browne, if creating jobs, taxes and spending are issues of […]

Wisconsin Recall Calculus: $5M Distant Dollars v. 500,000 Citizens

A One Wisconsin Now analysis reveals that ten percent of Walker’s money came from Texas—including a $250,000 check from the Bob Perry, the Lone Star conservative who warped American politics by attacking Vietnam veteran John Kerry with “Swift Boat” lies. [The Nation]

Half of Walker’s $5 Million Take Comes From Out of Wisconsin

MADISON, Wis. — Gov. Scott Walker grabbed half of the $5 million he raised in unlimited funds from outside of Wisconsin, including $250,000 from Texan Bob Perry, the architect of the infamous “Swift Boat” smear ads. “Gov. Walker is trying save his skin by taking money from whomever and wherever in the country he can,” […]

Business Owner in Latest Walker Ad Thrived During Doyle Administration

MADISON, Wis. — The “business owner” featured in the latest Scott Walker television ad saw his business grow 1,300 percent during the administration of Gov. Jim Doyle, according to a self-professed claim in the Business Times from 2008. The business owner is actually a vice chair at the Milwaukee Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, which donated […]

Crime and Courts: Interesting twist — GOP issued warning of fanatics with weapons.

Scot Ross, the director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, couldn’t pass up a comment on the irony. He sent me Courtney’s letter, which is attached to this post, with the following comment: “With Scott Walker and the Republicans, you always follow the money. In May, they used the threat of guns in the […] [Capital Times]

Koch-Backed Group Buys $150k in TV Time for Wisconsin Ad Blitz

Scot Ross, executive director of the progressive group One Wisconsin Now, called AFP’s new ad blitz “the granddaddy of corporate, big oil special interest money” and a last-ditch effort to salvage the GOP majority in the state senate. “The Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity has now dumped over $500,000 to pollute Wisconsin airwaves about the […] [Mother Jones]

Protests target M&I

But the principal hasn’t been paid back yet. Unions and liberal groups like One Wisconsin Now are also upset that M & I executives gave more money to Scott Walker during last year’s governor’s race, than the officials did to Democrat Tom Barrett. [Superior Telegram]

Gov. Scott Walker Refusing To Release Details Of Contacts With Koch Industries

Over two weeks after receiving a request from One Wisconsin Now, Walker’s administration has refused to release details of its contacts with lobbyists from Koch Industries, run by billionaire arch-conservatives Charles and David Koch. The group requested “all email and written communications between Koch Industries’ lead Wisconsin lobbyist and the office of Gov. Scott Walker […] [Think Progress]

Records, please

But not all observers are chuckling. The Madison-based liberal group, One Wisconsin Now, has adopted a frowny watchdog visage: Last week it filed a records request with Walker’s office seeking “all written communications and records of scheduled meetings between Koch Industries’ top in-state lobbyist and the office of Gov. Scott Walker, his former transition office […] [Milwaukee News Buzz]

Liberal group files open records request against Walker

One Wisconsin Now, a liberal activist group, today filed an open records request for all written communications and records of scheduled meetings between Koch Industries’ top in-state lobbyist and Walker’s office, his former transition office and the Wisconsin Department of Administration. [Biz Times]

One Wisconsin Now Files Open Records Request for Walker Administration-Koch Lobbyist Communications

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now filed an open records request today for all written communications and records of scheduled meetings between Koch Industries’ top in-state lobbyist and the office of Gov. Scott Walker, his former transition office and the Wisconsin Department of Administration. Koch Industries’ billionaire owners Charles and David Koch are the driving […]

The Selling of Wisconsin: Enter Koch Brothers’ Bag Man Jeffrey Schoepke

Much has recently been made of the revelation that Koch Industries was Walker’s second biggest supporter, ponying up $43,000 and giving $1 million to the Republican Governor’s Association, which itself spent $65,000 on supporting Walker (and $3.4 million against his opponent). All of this was actually noted way back in September, 2010, by Scot Ross […] [The Awl]

Will MJS give Conservative WPRI, WISTAX Same Treatment as Public Citizen?

Today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel “Politifact,” in its analysis of a unfair trade deals cited by U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, makes this note about the sourcing by Feingold’s campaign of Public Citizen: “Public Citizen is a leading critical voice on trade deals, so it comes to the issues from that perspective.” Fair enough. Unless you consider […]