One Wisconsin Now Statements on Baraboo High School Nazi Salute Photo
Republicans leading Wisconsin state government have sat silently and refused to stand up to Trump and denounce his racism, xenophobia and sexism.
Republicans leading Wisconsin state government have sat silently and refused to stand up to Trump and denounce his racism, xenophobia and sexism.
Walker’s ad comes a day before he was to campaign in Wisconsin with President Donald Trump ... The liberal group One Wisconsin Now called Walker’s ad racist. [Associated Press]
Scott Walker won’t be the only racist, sexist politician on stage at a campaign rally at the Mosinee airport tomorrow, joining him will be Donald Trump.
Scot Ross, executive director of liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, took a shot at Trump's sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump in response. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Scot Ross, executive director of liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, pointed to other federal issues Walker has commented on. [Wisconsin State Journal]
Scott Walker offered something worse than deafening silence on Donald Trump’s unconscionable policy of tearing infants and children from their parents.
It is a grievous misunderstanding of scripture and misuse of the Christian faith to use it to try to justify the horror of what was being done to families.
Gov. Scott Walker has repeatedly refused to condemn the despicable actions being inflicted upon girls and women by his party’s leader, Donald Trump.
Gov. Scott Walker refused to share his thoughts on Donald Trump’s family separation immigration policy that strips children from their parents.
One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding plans by Republican Donald Trump to end the DACA.
Statements regarding U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Janesville) continuing support for Donald Trump’s racist and ineffective Muslim Ban.
As the One Wisconsin Now advocacy group said in a statement on their site, this bill could negatively impact “immigrants, transgender people, the homeless, formerly incarcerated people, seniors, foster youth, and other marginalized communities.” []
Despite the numerous studies showing that Wisconsin has a serious problem with racial disparities, Scott Walker has not led on this issue.
Scott Walker's pandering flip flop on the racist Arizona immigration law has One Wisconsin Now asking whether a similar strategy could get him to answer the question he has refused to answer.