One Wisconsin Institute Files Request for Court to Enforce Rulings Striking Down Republican Lame Duck Restrictions on Voting
One Wisconsin Institute has returned to court seeking enforcement of the 2016 federal court decision.
One Wisconsin Institute has returned to court seeking enforcement of the 2016 federal court decision.
Along with One Wisconsin Institute and several individual plaintiffs filed a motion in court, asking a judge to stop the law from being enforced. [WITI-TV]
The same groups that sued in 2016 — One Wisconsin Institute and Citizen Action of Wisconsin Education Fund — went back to court Monday. [Associated Press]
One Wisconsin Institute, with the support of the National Redistricting Foundation, filed the motion. [the Hill]
The lawsuit was filed by the National Redistricting Foundation... and One Wisconsin Institute. [Mother Jones]
One Wisconsin Institute... successfully challenged a slew of state early voting restrictions in court in 2016. Now they seek to do so again. [Wisconsin State Journal]
“The Wisconsin Republican attempts to rig the rules on voting were unconstitutional in 2016 and they’re unconstitutional today,” said a statement from Scot Ross. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
[One Wisconsin Institute] filed a motion Monday afternoon to challenge Gov. Scott Walker’s signature on a bill that limits early voting. [WKOW-TV]
Citizen Action of Wisconsin and One Wisconsin Institute filed the motion with Judge James Peterson of the U.S. District Court of the Western District of Wisconsin. Both groups were involved in a successful 2016 lawsuit challenging election laws in Wisconsin, including some restrictions on early voting. [Wisconsin Public Radio]
“The Supreme Court has been there for Walker every step of the way,” said Scot Ross, the executive director of the One Wisconsin Institute, a liberal organization that along with Mr. Holder’s group promised to challenge some of the provisions signed Friday. [New York Times]
[One Wisconsin Institute] will file a lawsuit to challenge the early voting provision that was signed into law on Friday. [WKOW-TV]
Liberal group One Wisconsin Now has said it has plans to challenge the law in court. [Wisconsin Public Radio]
This attack by Republicans in the legislature is not just unprecedented — it's undemocratic, it's unconstitutional, it's un-American.
One Wisconsin Institute announced it's pursuing legal action against some of the legislation. [WBAY-TV]
In a statement on Thursday, the One Wisconsin Institute announced that it plans to take legal action against Walker for signing a bill that restricts early voting to no more than two weeks before an election. [Common Dreams]
The organization that successfully challenged the previous incarnation, One Wisconsin Institute, said on Friday it will do so again. [Reuters]
One Wisconsin Institute... said Friday afternoon that lawsuits would be coming after Walker signed the bills. [Politico]
Will there be a lawsuit? Yeah, probably. Scott Walker signed the three #LameDuckCoup bills into law today and Scot Ross may sue as part of One Wisconsin Now. [WRRD-AM]
The National Redistricting Foundation... announced it will be supporting a local challenge to the new laws by [One Wisconsin Institute]. [Buzzfeed]
[One Wisconsin Institute], with the backing of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, is suing Walker over the new laws. [PoliticusUSA]
Scott Walker’s going to have to tell the people of Wisconsin how restricting their right to vote is creating more transparency. [the Progressive]
The request for this early voting crackdown was made by Robin Vos’ office a mere eight days after the election. [In These Times]
The lawsuit that resulted in the earlier limits being struck down was brought by two liberal groups. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Tensions are running high in state politics as Governor Scott Walker considers a package of bills passed in a special legislative session. [WMTV-TV]
A 2011 lawsuit filed by One Wisconsin [Institute] resulted in a federal judge striking down Wisconsin Republicans’ attempts to suppress the vote. [the Guardian]
Ross was especially critical of a provision in the plans to limit early voting to two weeks. It has been as much as six weeks. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Scot Ros told Gousha that Republicans are "attacking early voting" and defying the judge's order in the 2016 case. [Wisconsin State Journal]
Power Grabs in Wisconsin and Michigan. Guest 1: Analiese Eicher, Program Director, One Wisconsin Now. [Progressive Voices Network]
One Wisconsin Now says Republicans are attacking access to voting by placing new limits on early voting. [WISN-TV]
One Wisconsin Institute has signaled it may rekindle its legal fight against the early voting restrictions. [Wisconsin State Journal]
"They have hidden behind closed doors and in secret to conspire and contrast a direct assault on the peaceful transition of power." [WISC-TV]
In 2016, One Wisconsin Now filed a lawsuit after Republican’s tried a similar measure to curtail early voting. [WKOW-TV]
The liberal group One Wisconsin Now tweeted Wednesday that it was already in consultation with attorneys. [Wisconsin Watchdog]
"More than 565,000 people early voted in the November 2018 election. Record-setting early voting is not an emergency -- it's democracy," [Center for Media and Democracy]
The attorney for the organization that filed the lawsuit, One Wisconsin Institute, has vowed to challenge the latest restriction. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
One Wisconsin Now ... said it would likely sue over the new cap, too, after the bill is signed. [Capital Times]
One Wisconsin Now ... sound like they are chomping at the bit to challenge the grab bag of GOP goodies. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Others, including the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, have indicated they plan to file lawsuits over the proposals [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Republicans are thumbing their noses at a federal judge's order and we are conferring with our counsel about next steps. [WTMJ-TV]
One Wisconsin Institute is considering challenging the new early voting restrictions. [Isthmus]
Analiese Eicher said the liberal advocacy organization is willing to take any legal action necessary. [WKOW-TV]
“Republicans like Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald want to end that because they think the problem with these elections was that too many people voted.” [Capital Times]
"The underlying theme though that it's just incredibly disrespectful to the 2.6 million-plus voters who cast a ballot in this most recent election.” [Public News Service]
A federal court ruling in the voting rights case struck down racially-motivated restrictions on early voting imposed by Wisconsin Republicans.
The Wisconsin GOP is set to make an unprecedented power grab to enhance their powers and limit Governor-elect Evers. [WRRD-AM]
A lawyer for the liberal One Wisconsin Institute warned against the provision of the bill that restricts early voting, saying it would be challenged in court. [Wisconsin Public Radio]
Scot Ross who is currently involved in a lawsuit challenging Wisconsin’s voting requirements, chastised the proposal. [Wisconsin State Journal]
Elias represented an affiliate of One Wisconsin Now in the case that resulted in the 2016 decision striking down previous limits to early voting. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Analiese Eicher which has successfully sued the state over its voting laws, said she was "shocked but not surprised" GOP lawmakers introduced the plan. [Wisconsin Public Radio]
Scot Ross released the following statements and information on reported attacks on early voting planned by Republicans in their lame duck legislative session.