
Scott Walker Polling Voters on Presidential Run

Walker’s campaign is polling voters on his planned presidential run, asking favorability questions about various Republican and Democratic candidates, including fellow Republican U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan.

New ‘jock tax’ proposal for Bucks arena stirs up controversy

Vos says he wants to keep the Bucks in Milwaukee. But political visits are not making his job to convince law makers across the state any easier. The liberal group, One Wisconsin Now, has requested Vos be criminally investigated for breaking a state law that does not allow any political moves to be made, based […] [WITI-TV]

Walker 2016: Well, That Didn’t Take Long

One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross noted that Walker’s weekend presidential posturing follows his election night speech in which he made mention of “Washington” as frequently as “Wisconsin.”

One Wisconsin Now slams Scott Walker’s tech school tour

Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now questions Governor Scott Walker’s motive as the Republican tours five of the state’s 16 technical colleges just two days after being elected to a second term. “He’s using technical colleges as a photo-op as he prepares to make another run for higher office and it’s a sad indictment on […] [Wisconsin Radio Network]

Liberal group says Brad Schimel ‘trying to have it both ways’ on abortion laws

A liberal advocacy group contends that Brad Schimel, the Republican candidate for attorney general, has voiced conflicting intentions regarding his approach to laws struck down by the courts. “Brad Schimel has been caught in a lie, and he seems to be having trouble deciding who to admit he is lying to,” Dye said. [Capital Times]

Scott Walker scores big PAC donations after limits lifted

“Half of the $80 million Scott Walker’s raised comes from outside of Wisconsin, and we all remember when he when flew to Las Vegas, hat in hand, to beg Sheldon Adelson for his support,” said Scot Ross. [Capital Times]

In 2010, Scott Walker’s campaign sought to keep IBM ‘happy’

Liberal group One Wisconsin Now accused Walker of “hypocrisy” because he was copied on those emails while at the same time promising on the campaign trail to “restore Wisconsin’s reputation for clean and honest government through transparency in the state contracting process.” [Wisconsin State Journal]

Scott Walker’s Corruption Problem

New documents released show that Walker helped his longtime campaign treasurer get inside information for a bid to lease office space to the county. Ross, who describes Walker’s administration as “arguably one of the most corrupt in recent history,” is calling for those aides, Cindy Archer and Jim Villa, to resign [The Progressive]

Does Wisconsin Have a Work Problem?

The first red flag is a claim from the nonpartisan watchdog group One Wisconsin Now that 13,000 of the jobs posted aren’t in Wisconsin but in neighboring states like Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois. [Shepherd Express]

Who Will Be Wisconsin’s Next Attorney General?

One Wisconsin Now sent Schimel a complaint about the deal, but Schimel declined to investigate. “Isn’t that the essence of representative government?” Schimel said of the Kleefisch-Eisenga relationship. [Shepherd Express]

Gov. Walker’s Foul Photo Op

Gov. Scott Walker recently appeared at a charity event for teen drug treatment featuring controversial Phil Robertson of the television show Duck Dynasty.

Five Debate Questions for Brad Schimel

In advance of this afternoon’s first Attorney General, One Wisconsin Now has proposed a series of questions Schimel should answer to the people of Wisconsin.

Walker’s campaign site touts Pro-Life Wisconsin endorsement he didn’t receive this year

One Wisconsin Now executive director Scot Ross said touting the endorsement of a group that didn’t grant it for this election is an example of “the alarming pattern of deception with Scott Walker when it comes to women’s health,” noting the governor’s past support of Pro-Life Wisconsin and of laws the group supports. [Capital Times]

One Wisconsin Now Asks: Which Bill, Gov. Walker?

In a recent campaign television ad Gov. Scott Walker, on record as opposed to abortion even in cases of rape or incest, speaks directly to the camera and tries to minimize the impact of “the bill”.

Liberal group files complaint against Brad Schimel

One Wisconsin Now filed a complaint against Brad Schimel yesterday. It alleges that the Republican attorney general hopeful used 500-dollars in campaign funds for his children's baby-sitters 16 times between 2009 and February. [Pierce County Herald]

Where’s the Ground Game to Overcome Voter ID?

One Wisconsin Now is urging Wisconsin media to donate air time and ad space for photo ID education. “This is a great opportunity for the broadcasters that use the public airwaves to step up and do a great public service, helping ensure legal voters are able to cast their vote in November,” says One Wisconsin […] [The Progressive]

Justices face questions as ‘John Doe’ probe lands in Supreme Court

One Wisconsin Now said the four-year-old rules are a “get-out-of-court-free card” for powerful interests that spend heavily in Supreme Court races. His group has called on the four justices to recuse themselves from any John Doe case. “There’s an $8 million weight on the scales of justice spent to elect these justices,” Ross said. [Wisconsin State Journal]

WMC Doubles Down on Attacks on Wisconsin Women

A top lobbyist at Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce unleashed an angry tirade at a Tuesday press conference held by women opposing WMC’s attacks on pay equity in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin lawmakers, business group fight over pay equity

Lawmakers, along with representatives of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now and the women’s rights organization 9to5, called on the state chamber to remove an offensive, anti-equal pay image from its website. [Associated Press]