Americans for Prosperity

One Wisconsin Now Files Open Records Request for Walker Administration-Koch Lobbyist Communications

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now filed an open records request today for all written communications and records of scheduled meetings between Koch Industries’ top in-state lobbyist and the office of Gov. Scott Walker, his former transition office and the Wisconsin Department of Administration. Koch Industries’ billionaire owners Charles and David Koch are the driving […]

Paul Ryan’s Koch-Fueled Weekend

MADISON, Wis. — U.S. House Republican Budget Chair Paul Ryan of Janesville traveled to a secret California fundraising junket this past weekend run by billionaires Charles and David Koch, the major financers of the so-called tea party movement, the ThinkProgress news site reported today. “Paul Ryan has supported, in lock step, the big oil, anti-accountability […]

Priebus’ Republican National Committee: A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity?

But to Wisconsin progressives, Priebus is known as the state Republican Party operative who allegedly tried to suppress the votes of minorities and students in both the recent midterm congressional elections and the 2008 presidential election — in apparent coordination with David Koch’s Americans For Prosperity…. An audiotape of the meeting was obtained by the […] [Alternet]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Priebus Election

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding Republican Party of Wisconsin Chair Reince Priebus’ election as chair of the Republican National Committee. “When voter suppression allegations have surfaced in Wisconsin for the past decade, the name Reince Priebus isn’t far behind. In 2002, the state Elections Board […]

When Will Reince Priebus Answer Voter Suppression Questions?

MADISON, Wis. — Republican Party of Wisconsin Chair Reince Priebus refuses to acknowledge the RPW’s involvement in a possibly-illegal voter suppression plot, despite the RPW’s Chief Counsel’s signature and name on documents related to the plan between RPW, Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin and the leader of the state’s Tea Party groups. “Reince Priebus is hiding he […]

Voter Caging Target: UW-Milwaukee Dormitory, 95 Percent of Ward Votes from Sandburg Hall

MADISON, Wis. — Despite firm denials by Tim Dake, leader of Wisconsin’s Tea Party organizations, the voter caging plot between the Tea Party, Americans for Prosperity and the Republican Party of Wisconsin exposed this week by One Wisconsin Now, is directly targeting university students – most notably voters at UW-Milwaukee Sandburg Hall, which made up […]

Tea Party-RPW Emails from Last Week Show Voter Suppression Effort On-Going

MADISON, Wis. — Despite denials from participants, a voter suppression plan by the Republican Party of Wisconsin, Americans for Prosperity-WI and the state’s leading Tea Party organizations is still active, and as recently as last Thursday Wisconsin Tea Party leader Tim Dake emailed several documents outlining plans to other partners in the effort. One Wisconsin […]

One Wisconsin Now Exposes Voter Suppression Plans Between Republican Party of Wisconsin, Americans for Prosperity, Tea Party Groups

MADISON, Wis. — A coordinated plot by the Republican Party of Wisconsin, Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin and organizations in the so-called Tea Party movement targeting minority voters and college students in a possibly illegal “voter caging” effort for voter suppression has been uncovered in evidence obtained by One Wisconsin Now, a statewide advocacy organization in Madison, […]

WISTAX Watch Exposes ‘Tax Freedom Day’ Fraud

One Wisconsin Now is urging the media to review its report showing both the flaws of the Tax Foundation numbers and the connections between WISTAX, Tax Foundation, and Americans for Prosperity.

One Wisconsin Now Contest Allows Public to Tell Tea Party ‘Why America Works’

MADISON, Wis. — Citizens from across Wisconsin who are weary of the anger, divisiveness and misinformation of the Republican-led Tea Party movement can send a message on April 15 about “Why America Works” through a mobile billboard contest launched this week by One Wisconsin Now. “Wisconsinites are tired of hearing Sarah Palin and the Tea […]

Tiresome Non-Plumber Comin’ to Milwaukee!

At this weekend’s GOP gaggle organized by Americans (read: Republicans) for Prospertity otherwise known as the “Republican Rally for Failure” in Milwaukee, our fine state will be treated by another visit from so-called Joe the Plumber, nee Samuel Wurzelbacher. We all remember him from his “impromptu” ambush of then-candidate Barack Obama to his work as […]

Teabaggers’ Latest ‘Republican Rally for Failure’ Fueled Again by Partisanship, Racism, Ignorance

MADISON, Wis. — The latest “Republican Rally for Failure” hosted by the self-identified “teabaggers” is scheduled for Saturday in Milwaukee. The “Failure Rally” will feature numerous incendiary speakers, including fact-challenged Michelle Malkin, who will join other partisans to try and defeat the agenda of President Barack Obama. “The latest ‘Republican Rally for Failure’ is just […]

One Wisconsin Now’s Statements on Tonight’s ‘Republican Rally for Failure’ with John Stossel

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now released the following statements about tonight’s Americans for Prosperity health care opposition event, the ‘Republican Rally for Failure,’ hosted by corporate-accountability foe, ABC’s John Stossel: “Tonight’s ‘Republican Rally for Failure’ is central in the Republican strategy, bankrolled by Republican interests, to defeat the Democratic President at any cost. They […]

Conservative Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance Silent on $6.6 Billion Budget Deficit

MADISON, Wis. — After months of insisting the state budget crisis was smaller than official estimates, the conservative Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance has turned silent in light of decreased revenue collections putting the budget deficit at $6.6 billion. “Todd Berry and the conservative Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance tried to convince us there was no looming budget deficit […]

Americans for ‘Petroleum’ Real Message: ‘Don’t Tax Big Oil’s Billions in Profits’

MADISON, Wis. — Complaints by the Big Oil-funded American for Prosperity about taxes are a smokescreen to prevent Wisconsin lawmakers from enacting a windfall tax on the excessive profits gained by the oil industry by gouging consumers with record-setting gas prices. “Americans for Prosperity is one arm of a concerted effort to convince us that […]