Dan Kelly’s Opinion: It’s OK to Lie in Judicial Campaigns
Wisconsin State Supreme Court Candidate Daniel Kelly Co-Authored Column Opposing Efforts to Clean Up Court Campaigns.
Wisconsin State Supreme Court Candidate Daniel Kelly Co-Authored Column Opposing Efforts to Clean Up Court Campaigns.
Dan Kelly’s campaign has been curiously silent about the support it is getting from a group that wants to outlaw most common forms of birth control.
Dan Kelly has taken over $14,000 from members of the board of directors of a right-wing legal outfit that has argued multiple cases in front of the state Supreme Court.
A right-wing group that supports criminalizing abortion in Wisconsin is backing Dan Kelly’s state Supreme Court campaign.
The right-wing effort to impose a voter roll purge in Wisconsin is just the latest effort to rig the rules to give Dan Kelly an unfair advantage.
Dan Kelly compared funding for Social Security to slavery in a blog post he tried to scrub from the internet and hide from public view.
Dan Kelly attempted to hide years of controversial blog posts he authored from the public after being appointed to the state high court.
Dan Kelly is showing his partisanship on the campaign trail, right down to sharing an address with the Republican Party of Wisconsin. [Wisconsin State Journal]
Dan Kelly’s partisanship is on full display as his campaign lists the Republican Party of Wisconsin as the return address for the nomination papers.
The case is being brought by the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL), with whom Dan Kelly has been closely associated.
One Wisconsin Now Institute said the suit is a tactic utilized around the country by conservatives seeking to manipulate the rules on voting. [Wisconsin Radio Network]
[One Wisconsin Institute] said WILL's suit is an attempt to manipulate the rules to give conservative-backed Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly. [Wisconsin State Journal]
Right-wing supporters of Dan Kelly are going to court to try to purge registered Wisconsinites from poll lists.
Dan Kelly went to great lengths to interpret the law as he wished it to be to reach the conclusion he wanted
Dan Kelly's record on the court shows he’s instead seen the law as his campaign donors wish it to be.
Court opinions which Dan Kelly authored or joined and his positions on court rules show his extremism in action.
One Wisconsin Now reveals he received $1,000 contributions from board members of the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty. [Door County Pulse]
Right-wing justice Dan Kelly warns of judges bringing policy preferences to bench, after he puts policy preference to work on court.
At no point in his career has Dan Kelly has shown the ability or the inclination to be anything other than a right-wing partisan.
"Dan Kelly is as right wing as you get," said Joanna Beilman-Dulin, research director for the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Associated Press]
Meanwhile, One Wisconsin Now Research Director Joanna Beilman-Dulin slammed Kelly for being "as right-wing as you get." [Capital Times]
Joanna Beilman-Dulin ... said [Dan Kelly's] experience is rooted in Republican politics, which shouldn't be on the court. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Republicans appear to have settled on an explanation for why they lost every statewide race on the ballot in the November 6 elections: Too many voters voted.
Analiese Eicher noted Republicans fought plans to hold special elections this year and complained about the cost of past recall elections. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
One Wisconsin Now executive director Scot Ross called out Kelly’s lack of judicial experience and said his selection was politically-motivated. [Wisconsin Public Radio]
According to... One Wisconsin Now, Kelly was general counsel for the Kern Family Foundation whose founders... have made individual contributions totalling $220,000 to Walker. [Capital Times]
Media reports say Gov. Scott Walker will announce the nomination of Daniel Kelly to replace retiring Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser late Friday afternoon.