
Federal Judge Voices Skepticism As Voter ID Challenge Wraps

“The difficulties were acute but they were not widespread,” Peterson told lawyers for the liberal group One Wisconsin Institute, who brought the suit, and the state, who are defending the rules. “An awful lot of people got IDs after the law was passed. Most people got their IDs.” [Wisconsin Public Radio]

Lawsuit challenging Wisconsin election laws goes to judge

Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal One Wisconsin Institute, contends the changes are illegal because they use the law to keep people from voting based on factors such as their minority status or their age. [Wisconsin Radio Network]

Federal Judge Hears Closing Arguments In Voter ID Lawsuit

The lawsuit by the liberal One Wisconsin Institute targets Wisconsin's voter ID law, restrictions on in-person absentee voting and the elimination of straight-ticket voting, among other changes. [Wisconsin Public Radio]

Bradley called feminists ‘angry, militant, man-hating lesbians’

The justice has already apologized for anti-gay writings made public by the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, while her campaign declined to comment on a column in which she compares abortion to the holocaust and slavery. [Wisconsin Radio Network]

Rebecca Bradley apologizes for homophobic college columns

A trove of homophobic vitriol written by state Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley more than twenty years ago has been unearthed by the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, and now features in the election between Bradley and Appeals Court Judge JoAnne Kloppenburg. [Wisconsin Radio Network]

Administrators give nod to Walker college affordability plan

"They are not going to make college more affordable and they are not going to reduce the monthly payment of any of the million people with student loan debt in the state of Wisconsin," Ross said. [Wisconsin Public Radio]

Public Records Board under intense scrutiny

The action drew objections from groups on both sides of Wisconsin’s partisan divide, such as the as the liberal One Wisconsin Now . [Wisconsin Radio Network]

Devil’s Advocates Radio: January 14, 2016

One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross appeared on the Devil's Advocates radio show to discuss Gov. Scott Walker's bogus student loan debt plan. [Devil's Advocates Radio]

Student Loan Debt: Wisconsin 3rd in Nation

Analiese Eicher of One Wisconsin Now says student loan debt is dragging down the state's economy and it's time for the Legislature to do something about it. [Public News Service]

14th Annual Fighting Bob Fest to be Held This Weekend

"A place where people can unapologetically talk about the need for progressive values, ideas and policies in the public debate," Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, explaining why he thinks the event has become so popular. [Public News Service]

One Wisconsin Now’s Walker Warning To America

The progressive group One Wisconsin Now has collected more data on Scott Walker than any other organization and it has a warning to the people of New Hampshire. [Workers Independent News]

One Wisconsin Now slams Scott Walker’s tech school tour

Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now questions Governor Scott Walker’s motive as the Republican tours five of the state’s 16 technical colleges just two days after being elected to a second term. “He’s using technical colleges as a photo-op as he prepares to make another run for higher office and it’s a sad indictment on […] [Wisconsin Radio Network]

Pocan Introduces Student Loan Refinancing Bill

Scot Ross said Pocan's proposal is a common sense approach. “Why should student loans not be able to take advantage of lower interest rates?” [Wisconsin Public Radio]

Ward warns of problems posed by tuition freezes

Scot Ross with One Wisconsin Now said “the sentiment expressed by Ward shows a substantial disconnect about financing higher education and the impact of exploding debt on borrowers.” [Wisconsin Radio Network]

Weighing the impact of higher student loan rates

One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross says the increase will have a dramatic effect on current students, by making it harder for many of them to afford college. [Wisconsin Public Radio]

Student Loan Interest Rates Set to Double Unless Congress Acts

“Student loan debt is well over $1.2 trillion. Student loan debt passes every other consumer debt in the United States with the exception of mortgage debt. And student loan debt increased for people during the great recession,” Ross says. [Milwaukee Public Radio]

Walker To Speak In Des Moines Tonight, Inciting Criticism From The Left

A liberal activist from Wisconsin plans to join the group Progress Iowa, at what they call a Scott Walker Truth Squad news conference this afternoon in Des Moines attacking the governor. Before leaving Milwaukee today, Walker said the liberals apparently don’t have anything better to do. [Wisconsin Public Radio]

High costs of student debt

“The average debt per student in Wisconsin is nearly $25,000,” said Ross. That’s the 15th highest rate in the nation, and 67 percent of graduating students in the state will have some form of debt. [Wisconsin Radio Network]

Report: Wisconsin Ranks Near Bottom in Job Creation

The organization One Wisconsin Now, which opposes many of Gov. Walker’s policies, was quick to react to the job creation ranking on Tuesday, saying it shows Walker’s job creation efforts are not working. Executive Director Scot Ross said: “Gov. Walker and his policies have, again, proven to be an abysmal failure for Wisconsin.” [Milwaukee Public Radio]

Differing Views of Gov. Walker’s First Two years in Office

The group, One Wisconsin Now harbors a different perspective to Walker’s tenure. Executive Director Scot Ross issued a release citing, what he calls, some of the governor’s low lights: “Looting the public treasury to dole out favors to big business. Slashing investments in education and health care to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy […] [Milwaukee Public Radio]

Group Fights to Save Same-Day Voter Registration

Governor Scott Walker and GOP lawmakers have expressed support for ending the practice of allowing voters to register at the polls on Election Day. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross says the option needs to remain though, since it provides a valuable service. Supporters of ending same day registration say the move would help […] [WTAQ]

Groups Want Same Day Registration

Governor Scott Walker and GOP lawmakers have expressed support for ending the practice of allowing voters to register at the polls on Election Day. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross says the option needs to remain though, since it provides a valuable service. Ross notes that over two million people took advantage of the […] [Wisconsin Radio Network]

Groups Launch Preemptive Strike to Save Election Day Registration

Gov. Scott Walker hinted a few weeks ago, that he favors doing away with same day voter registration. Now a liberal political advocacy group is launching a preemptive strike against any attempt to change the 36-year tradition. Scott Ross is Executive Director of the group One Wisconsin Now. It helped gather 15,000 signatures on petitions supporting […] [WUWM]

‘Motor voter’ system would happen if Wisconsin dumps same day voter registration

Wisconsin is one of only eight states where people can register to vote on Election Day, and it will be 10 after new laws take effect in California and Connecticut. But if the Badger State trashes it – as Governor Scott Walker is talking about – the state must adopt a “motor voter” registration system, […] [WHBL]