Devil’s Advocates Radio: September 19, 2017

Apparently, the Republican Governors Association, led by Scott Walker is spreading Russia-style fake news. The Devil’s talk to Scot Ross about it. [WRRD-AM]

Scott Walker Polling Voters on Presidential Run

Walker’s campaign is polling voters on his planned presidential run, asking favorability questions about various Republican and Democratic candidates, including fellow Republican U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan.

Will State Big Business Lobby Answer the Question, Is Gov. Walker Still Doing It?

MADISON, Wis. — Contained in hundreds of pages of recently unsealed John Doe investigation court documents is information about the participation of the state big business lobby, the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), in a scheme termed “criminal” by prosecutors orchestrated by Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign. Since the release of the documents, Walker has refused to […]

Who is the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation Working For?

The report found that owners or employees of 30 percent of businesses receiving WEDC assistance contributed to Gov. Walker's campaign or the RGA. Meanwhile these same businesses received almost 60 percent of WEDC economic development funds - $570 million in total.

Has the Republican Governors Association Hit the Panic Button?

MADISON, Wis. — According to a report in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a media firm that has already purchased $2 million in television airtime this year on behalf of the Republican Governors Association (RGA) has reserved another nearly $2 million worth of time in the final weeks before the November election. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director […]

Republican Governors release second attack ad

The Republican Governors Association has released its second attack ad against Democrat Mary Burke in the Wisconsin governor’s race. The group has not said how much they are spending on the ads, but the liberal group One Wisconsin Now says it has spent $1.2 million on the spots. [Associated Press]

Gov. Walker’s WEDC Pays Off Big… For His Campaign Account

A review of campaign finance records by One Wisconsin Now has found that Gov. Walker's campaign and the RGA have raked in over $614,000 in donations from individuals associated with businesses receiving tax credits through the WEDC.

Mike Browne: Mega-Millions Fueled Gov. Walker’s Win

Gov. Scott Walker’s billionaire backers, along with outside spending from corporate-funded special interest groups such as Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce and the Republican Governors Association and Shadowy groups such as the “Coalition for American Values” outspent Democratic challenger Tom Barrett and groups supporting him 8-to-1, according to Mother Jones. [Wisconsin State Journal]

Corporate Funded RGA Returns to Wisconsin to Try to Bail Out Gov. Walker

MADISON, Wis. — Late last week, the Republican Governors Association (RGA) announced via press release that they were returning to Wisconsin with a TV ad criticizing possible recall election opponents of Gov. Walker. According to a One Wisconsin Now analysis of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) records, the special interests and corporations that have donated millions […]

Gov Walker (R-Koch) gets a bailout for a new ad from corporate funded group

Governor Scott Walker (R-Koch) has been raising money to keep his anti-workers’ rights butt in the Governor’s office in light of the looming recall, and he’s been successful, raising $12 million. But he needs more so he’s gone to the Corporate funded Republican Governors Association (RGA) for a bailout and they acquiesced in form of  […] [FreakOutNation]

Big Spending, Corporate Funded Republican Governors Association Returns to Try to Bail Out Gov. Walker

MADISON, Wis. — The Virginia based, corporate-funded Republican Governors Association (RGA) announced in a press release today that it has returned to Wisconsin with negative television commercials attacking possible opponents of Gov. Walker in a recall election. But according to One Wisconsin Now spokesperson Mike Browne, if creating jobs, taxes and spending are issues of […]

“Business Owner” in Latest Walker Ad Thrived During Doyle Administration

The “business owner” featured in the latest Scott Walker television ad saw his business grow 1,300 percent during the administration of Gov. Jim Doyle, according to a self-professed claim in the Business Times from 2008. The business owner is actually a vice chair at the Milwaukee Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, which donated $400,000 in 2010 […]

Business Owner in Latest Walker Ad Thrived During Doyle Administration

MADISON, Wis. — The “business owner” featured in the latest Scott Walker television ad saw his business grow 1,300 percent during the administration of Gov. Jim Doyle, according to a self-professed claim in the Business Times from 2008. The business owner is actually a vice chair at the Milwaukee Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, which donated […]

Walker Returns $50,000 in Jack Links’-Related Contributions with $75,000 in Taxpayer Dollars

MADISON, Wis. — Gov. Scott Walker has announced a $75,000 taxpayer-financed grant to a company, who along with its Chief Executive Officer, donated nearly $50,000 in 2010 to the Republican Governors Association, which spent $5 million to elect Walker governor, according to a figures obtained from the Internal Revenue Service by One Wisconsin Now. Walker […]

Emily’s Post: Scott Walker and DHS head Dennis Smith pay back health industry donors

According to an analysis of IRS and Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System records conducted by One Wisconsin Now, “companies which currently administer Medicare Part D prescription drug plans in Wisconsin have donated in last several years $1.3 million to the campaigns of Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican Governors Association, which spent $5 million to […] [Isthmus]

David Prosser: The Partisans’ Partisan in Six Acts

There’s no denying former Republican Assembly Speaker and failed Republican Congressional nominee David Prosser is a long-time partisan cog in the Republican machine. But is he the most partisan state Supreme Court Justice Wisconsin has ever had? The answer would be a resounding “yes.” And when looking at his record on the Supreme Court, it’s […]

Walker’s ($)1.3 Million Reasons for Funneling Seniors Out of SeniorCare

MADISON, Wis. — An analysis by One Wisconsin Now shows that companies which currently administer Medicare Part D prescription drug plans in Wisconsin have donated in last several years $1.3 million to the campaigns of Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican Governors Association, which spent $5 million to elect Walker in 2010. Actions by Gov. […]

Wisconsin to Walker: ‘Just Say No’ to Koch

The nation has found out, the dirty little secret that we in Wisconsin have known for some time. That Governor Scott Walker has a serious Koch problem. But that’s the way it with Koch. Gov. Walker thought, I can handle it. I can quit anytime I want to. Only I don’t want to. So, it’s […]

One Wisconsin Now Files Open Records Request for Walker Administration-Koch Lobbyist Communications

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now filed an open records request today for all written communications and records of scheduled meetings between Koch Industries’ top in-state lobbyist and the office of Gov. Scott Walker, his former transition office and the Wisconsin Department of Administration. Koch Industries’ billionaire owners Charles and David Koch are the driving […]

Walker’s Latest $1.5 Billion Promise: End Corporate Income Tax

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has promised the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC) to completely end the state’s corporate income tax – a massive new $1.5 billion tax break which would require even more drastic cuts to education, health care, police and fire protection. Walker answered he would “repeal the corporate […]

Republican Governors admit Barrett lands jobs for Wisconsin

The Republican Governors Association has an ad up attacking a guv candidate in Colorado saying he flew jobs out of the state. Funny thing is, it explicitly says Tom Barrett, the Democratic Mayor of Milwaukee, was the one landing the jobs here in Wisconsin. Here’s the Republican Governors Association ad featuring actual clips from Barrett’s […]