
Walker Education Scheme: Close Middle Class Toolbox, Reward Corporate Class

MADISON, Wis. — Gov. Scott Walker’s unprecedented attack on the public education of children across Wisconsin is part of a dismantling of the middle class tool box to enrich the wealthy and corporate America and Wall Street. Gov. Walker’s budget actions would cut $834 million from public education, skyrocket tuition for students in Wisconsin and […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements Regarding Fitzgerald Rights’ Denial to 2.2 Million Wisconsinites

“Considering how the Republicans plan to slash $900 million from our public schools, cut health care for 1 million Wisconsinites, raise prescription drug costs for countless seniors, raise taxes on the working poor by $51 million while at the same time handing $200 million in tax breaks for the wealthy and corporate special interests, Sen. […] [CommonDreams]

Walker budget trims tax credit for working poor

Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget would reduce a tax credit program for many of the working poor by $41.3 million over two years – a change that critics say violates his pledge not to raise any taxes…”He is increasing taxes on the working poor,” said Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Walker’s ‘Savings’ Will Cost Taxpayers Millions for the Next 10 Years

MADISON, Wis. — In an attempt to push through his unpopular Budget Repair Bill, Gov. Scott Walker has tried to set a Friday deadline for passage by falsely claiming that lack of action will cost taxpayers money: “If we don’t pass that by this weekend, if we fail to be able to achieve those savings, […]

Wisconsin State Budget and Worker Protests

Scot Ross talked about the ongoing legislative battle between the governor of Wisconsin and state Democrats on the budget, and he responded to telephone calls and electronic communications. Part of Governor Scott Walker’s budget includes a proposal that would end almost all collective bargaining rights… [C-SPAN]

Budget debate: 2/25

Scot Ross (far right corner), executive director of One Wisconsin Now speaks at a rally outside of the State Capital on day 11 of protests over Gov. Scott Walker’s budget-repair bill. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Walker’s Fiscal Agenda: Yes to Corporations, No to the Middle Class

The Executive Director of One Wisconsin Now, Scot Ross, commented that he was “handing out [millions] in special interest spending to his corporate pals and he’s going to make our children pay for it by taking loans the state was ready to pay off and borrow more money on them.” [Progressive States]

US Rep. Ron Kind Urges Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker to Withdraw Union-Busting Plan

“Walker keeps talking about how the state is broke, yet he had no problem making $3.8 billion in campaign pledges to the wealthy to reduce the state’s tax collections,” Pocan charged, citing figures estimated by the liberal advocacy group, One Wisconsin Now. “Furthermore, he later promised an additional $1.5 billion pledge to repeal the corporate […] [Faithful Progressive]

Is the state budget really in crisis? Depends who you ask

“Walker keeps talking about how the state is broke, yet he had no problem making $3.8 billion in campaign pledges to the wealthy to reduce the state’s tax collections,” Pocan charged, citing figures estimated by the liberal advocacy group, One Wisconsin Now. “Furthermore, he later promised an additional $1.5 billion pledge to repeal the corporate […] [Wisconsin State Journal]

Analysis: Despite budget woes, state less in crisis now than two years ago

Scot Ross of the left-leaning group One Wisconsin Now went a step further, calling the Walker plan a “handout in special interest spending to his corporate pals.” Ross was referring to $117.2 million in tax breaks approved by the Republican-controlled Legislature in January. Those items making health savings accounts tax deductible, tax deductions for businesses […] [Capital Times]

Why Walker Created His “Fiscal Crisis”

Up until now, Walker has been successful in spinning his fake budget crisis. However, Walker has been so careless in his pledges, that One Wisconsin Now has captured every single special-interest pledge Governor Gimmick (Walker’s new nickname) has made. You can find a citation for every single dollar of the nearly $5.3 billion in pledges […] [Mark Pocan]

Walker Flinches on Releasing Budget in Face of Mounting Protests

MADISON, Wis. — Faced with growing protests in cities around Wisconsin, Gov. Scott Walker today asked for a second extension from the legislature to delay in providing the specifics of his proposed 2011-13 state budget. Walker now wants to give his speech on Tuesday, but not provide the press and the public with the details […]

What does Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker really want?

One Wisconsin Now, the progressive watchdog group that has provided the closest monitoring of Walker’s budgetary gamesmanship, explains: “Since his inauguration in early January, Walker has approved $140 million in new special-interest [Unions]

Walker’s budget roils state politics and government

Scot Ross of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now said no governor has used the military against public employees as far back as the 1930’s. He said current events show “just how radical the steps are that Gov. Walker is taking to consolidate his power.” [RiverTowns.net]

Walker’s Budget Scheme: Undemocratic, Unbalanced, Potentially Unconstitutional

Gov. Scott Walker’s scheme to allow the government to take away the rights of Wisconsin workers is part of an unbalanced and potentially unconstitutional proposal that would add at least $30 million to the state’s credit card and allow the Governor’s health agency director to slash health care access and raise costs without the approval of the legislature.

Misconceptions spread over National Guard’s role in Walker budget proposal

“No Wisconsin Governor has deployed the military against public employees as far back as the 1930s, showing just how radical the steps are that Gov. Walker is taking to consolidate his power,” said Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin State Journal]

Joel McNally: Truth-O-Meter crashes during tax cut analysis

Shrapnel from the crashing Truth-O-Meter then hit the progressive political organization, One Wisconsin Now. The group added up the cost of three Walker tax giveaways, noting the governor had added $140 million in new special interest spending to the state’s mounting budget deficit. [Capital Times]

Biz Beat: Walker budget plan called a ‘nuclear option’

Scot Ross of the progressive Advocacy Group One Wisconsin Now added: “You take away people’s rights and then use the National Guard to back it up. If this was happening in another country, we’d call it a Banana Republic.” [Capital Times]

Walker likely to propose Medicaid changes in State of the State speech

“That Gov. Walker’s new secretary in charge of these programs has both advocated for states ‘dropping out’ from federal Medicaid assistance and has not made a commitment to keeping SeniorCare is enormously troubling,” said Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin State Journal]

Supermajority Could Doom State’s Economy, Group Says

“Gov. Scott Walker and the Republicans are willing to do anything to ensure the wealthiest Wisconsinites never have their taxes raised again,” said Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now Executive Director. “The people of Wisconsin are once again seeing Republicans bend over backwards to address the corporate special interest wish list and ignore the promise to […] [Ashland Current]

One Wisconsin Now says Scott Walker and the Legislature have increased spending by $140 million

But one of Walker’s political antagonists, Madison-based One Wisconsin Now, has slammed the three bills. In a Jan. 28, 2011, news release, the liberal advocacy group said: “Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican-controlled state legislature have added over $140 million in new special interest spending.” So, which is it? Tax cuts or spending? [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Diverse Voices Register Opposition to Unneeded Voter Identification Bill

MADISON, Wis. — Opponents of proposed legislation to restrict voter access to the polls, gathered at the State Capitol Wednesday to condemn so-called Voter ID legislation as a costly, unnecessary plan, which could lead to the disenfranchisement of untold tens of thousands of eligible voters in every corner of Wisconsin. Leon Burzynski, President of the […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements Regarding Paul Ryan’s Response to President Obama

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now released the following statements in advance of tonight’s Presidential State of the Union address and the planned response from U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. “I hope that Paul Ryan explains to us why we should trust him and his conservative allies with our finances after they nearly bankrupted […]

Will Insurance Customers Change Companies When GOP Bill Doesn’t Cut Their Rates?

MADISON, Wis. — Insurance companies across the state could see a mass exodus of existing Wisconsin customers if rates do not drop immediately after passage of an insurance lobby-supported bill to reduce the required insurance coverage for state drivers. The insurance lobby has blamed required insurance levels for raising rates, leaving customers to reasonably expect […]

Steineke: ‘I Don’t Particularly Care What People Think’

MADISON, Wis. — State Rep. Jim Steineke (R-Vandenbroek), who has a long history of driving infractions including drunk driving, hit and run and driving without a license multiple times, when recently asked by a reporter if it was appropriate for him to head Assembly Republicans’ efforts to repeal car insurance requirement responded, “I don’t particularly […]

Tax-Shy Randy Hopper’s $250 Million Yearly Capital Gains Giveaway

MADISON, Wis. — Sen. Randy Hopper (R-Fond du Lac), who paid net state income taxes once in ten years, has proposed an end to capital gains taxes, which primarily benefit the wealthy and would cost $250 million a year, according to the non-partisan Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau. “How much less than zero does Randy Hopper […]

Leibham Admits Voter ID Bill Will Cost Big Money

“That will potentially cost some additional money to the state and to state taxpayers…” [Sen. Leibham, WUWM News, 1/12/2011] MADISON, Wis. — State Sen. Joe Leibham (R-Sheboygan) admitted to reporters the Republican Voter ID bill will deepen Wisconsin’s $3.3 billion budget deficit. Leibham has refused to give Wisconsin a total cost for this plan, nor […]

Private Health Savings Accounts: Don’t Create Jobs, Hike Deficit

MADISON, Wis. — The Republican plan to give a tax break to high deductible private health savings accounts would increase the deficit $48 million in the next two years, create no jobs and would not increase access to health care. The plan is to be debated today at a joint legislative health committee. “Wisconsin deserves […]

Politifact: A look at Scott Walker’s campaign promises

Walker promised to veto all tax increases. And he promised a lower tax burden for “all” individuals and job creators. That included a list of specific tax cuts that the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now says adds up to $5 billion in revenue. [PolitiFact]

Walker’s Latest $1.5 Billion Promise: End Corporate Income Tax

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has promised the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC) to completely end the state’s corporate income tax – a massive new $1.5 billion tax break which would require even more drastic cuts to education, health care, police and fire protection. Walker answered he would “repeal the corporate […]

Will Walker Answer Three Simple Questions at Tonight’s Debate?

“Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, has yet to state publicly what cuts he would make, though his campaign says he will in the coming weeks.” [Appleton Post-Crescent, 6/13/10] MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker owes Wisconsin the answers to three questions he has ducked and avoided for months and One Wisconsin Now is […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Walker-Kleefisch Attack on Health Care Access

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding Rebecca Kleefisch and Scott Walker’s unseemly television ad criticizing access to affordable health care. In the ad railing against health care reform, Kleefisch talks about her successful cancer treatment, which was diagnosed, treated and financed through the access she has […]

Walker’s Latest Corporate Tax Break: Massive Loophole or Empty Promise

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, as part of his three-page agenda, has called for making “Wisconsin a highly attractive place to start a business by eliminating corporate taxes for the first two years of operation.” Analysis by One Wisconsin Now shows the plan would either be a budget-busting corporate loophole or would […]

Milwaukee County Debunks Walker’s False Debt Reduction Claim

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has claimed repeatedly for the past year that he has reduced Milwaukee County’s debt by between 10 and 30 percent, but one of his own top administration officials admitted Sunday the “county debt has risen 85 percent under Walker.”

Walker’s Promises More Than Double State Deficit

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker has promised an impossible $3.8 billion in tax breaks, loopholes and shifts he has no way to pay for, a new analysis by One Wisconsin Now shows. Coupled with the state’s conservative predictions of a $2.7 billion projected deficit, Walker would need to slash almost $6.5 billion […]

Questions for Walker to Answer at Tonight’s Debate

MADISON, Wis. — In advance of tonight’s statewide television debate, One Wisconsin Now offered the following questions for Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker to answer about his tax cuts plan for the rich and big business and his failed management of Milwaukee County. “People across Wisconsin have a right to know how Scott Walker would […]

Walker Claims His 84 Percent Hike in State Budget Tab ‘Controlled Spending’

MADISON, Wis. — Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, under fire for hypocritically opposing the high speed rail line after voting in the state legislature for tens of millions of dollars in rail bonding and a no-bid process for rail, claimed in a news story published today his budget votes “controlled spending.” Walker voted for all […]

When Will Walker Take Responsibility for Mental Health Center Mismanagement?

MADISON, Wis. — A public interest advocacy group is calling on Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker Monday to take responsibility for his “tragic mismanagement of the county’s Mental Health Complex,” saying Walker has chosen to defend himself by hiring an outside law firm and a public relations specialist, both at taxpayer expense, instead of fixing […]