Regents move forward on free speech bill
Analiese Eicher said the proposed policy is unnecessary because of a lack of incidents involving disruptions of speech on UW campuses. [Advance Titan]
Analiese Eicher said the proposed policy is unnecessary because of a lack of incidents involving disruptions of speech on UW campuses. [Advance Titan]
The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents today advanced a proposed administrative rule restricting free speech on campuses.
One Wisconsin Institute opposed the rules because they believe they're vague and could be selectively enforced. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
The majority — including the One Wisconsin Institute — opposed or called for revisions to the change. [Capital Times]
The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents is poised to push forward with a controversial plan to limit campus speech.
Comments in opposition of the proposed punishments for students disrupting campus speakers [included] One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin Public Radio]
BustEd Pencils is LIVE Tuesdays from 7-8 PM. Special Guests Analiese Eicher and Bill Lueders. [BustED Pencils]
One Wisconsin Now says passing the current rules as administrative rules would make them ... harder to change. [the Progressive]
One Wisconsin Now says passing the current rules as administrative rules would make them ... harder to change. [Urban Milwaukee]
The UW Board of Regents seems more interested in attempting to appease right-wing politicians than protecting the rights of students.
A handful of Republicans in the state legislature have re-introduced legislation to protect right-wing hate speech on UW campuses.
Banning people is just as problematic "online as it is at a town hall meeting," she told the Post. [Newsmax]
A judge has delivered an opinion in favor of One Wisconsin Now in their lawsuit over being blocked from the government Twitter accounts.
The decision from U.S. District Judge William Conley siding with the group, One Wisconsin Now, serves to illustrate emerging views... [Racine Journal Times]
The decision, written by District Judge William Conley, is the second win for One Wisconsin Now ... this week. [Capital Times]
One Wisconsin Now ... sued Vos, Rep. John Nygren of Marinette and then-Rep. Jesse Kremer of Kewaskum for blocking it on Twitter. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
This ruling reminds our elected officials that when they create a public forum, they can’t silence people with whom they disagree.
*Unless You’re a Woman, Person of Color, Migrant Family, Student or Sex Assault Survivor
Scott Walker won’t be the only racist, sexist politician on stage at a campaign rally at the Mosinee airport tomorrow, joining him will be Donald Trump.
Bradley Foundation Underwrites Efforts to Suppress Student Speech on College Campuses, Funds University Professors to Generate Promotional Propaganda.
One Wisconsin Now today asked for summary judgement in their Twitter lawsuit against State Representatives Jesse Kremer, John Nygren and Robin Vos.
Scott Walker has been unable to muster a response to the release of footage showing the harassment and abuse suffered by Milwaukee Bucks player Sterling Brown.
One Wisconsin Now released the following statements about a federal court ruling that says Donald Trump cannot block Twitter users based on political views.
Is the NRA threatening journalists and others with whom they disagree something Michael Screnock supports? And if he doesn’t, he needs to rebuke the NRA.
The administration of Donald Trump today made public the changes they will seek in the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act.
Like students across the state, I was shocked by the Board of Regents’ new policy attacking free speech on University of Wisconsin System campuses. [Capital Times]
Free speech is not just for the people or organizations whom our state elected officials like or with whom they agree. [Capital Times]
UW students and free speech advocates are organizing to fight back against new restrictions on speech being imposed system wide by the Board of Regents
A liberal advocacy group filed a federal lawsuit against three top Republicans, alleging they are infringing on the group's free speech rights. [Associated Press]
A lawsuit filed late Tuesday afternoon in federal court by One Wisconsin Now challenges elected officials on Twitter, acting in their official capacity, from “blocking” citizens
The legislation as introduced would create broad new definitions of what constitutes a “riot” and threaten peaceful protesters with criminal penalties...
What were the regents thinking? Some of them were, as UW-Madison senior Savion Castro complained, "capitulating to a band of right-wing extremists." [Capital Times]
One Wisconsin Now said the regents adopted the policy — which mirrors a bill passed by the Assembly in June — because the legislation had stalled in the Senate. [Capital Times]
The Regents have imposed a system wide policy codifying an ideological agenda and creating campus safe spaces for right-wing provocateurs.
The UW Board of Regents is poised to codify as policy the provisions of potentially unconstitutional legislation to restrict free speech on UW campuses. [WKOW-TV]
One Wisconsin Now asserts that the regent policy is intended to codify and insert into law as administrative code the potentially unconstitutional legislation. [Capital Times]
The UW Board of Regents is poised to codify as policy the provisions of potentially unconstitutional legislation to restrict free speech on UW campuses.
The Devils ask Scot Ross about provisions and vetoes in the state budget. They also talk Foxconn and the university free speech bill. [Devil's Advocates Radio]
“One of the most powerful tools of the civil rights movement was civil disobedience and disruption,” Castro said. [Badger Herald]
It was criticism of Kremer’s bill to punish people who disrupt speakers at UW campuses that got One Wisconsin Now blocked from accessing Kremer’s tweets. [Wisconsin State Journal]
Robin Vos has done nothing to to address the hate crimes, inspired by these hateful ideas, students of color have endured. [Shepherd Express]
Vos has done nothing to fully understand why students of color have protested speakers, nor has he addressed the hate crimes students of color have endured. [Green Bay Press-Gazette]
A bill restricting free speech on University of Wisconsin campuses, Assembly Bill 299, is being debated by the legislature today.
Wisconsin Republicans push college free speech bill that would punish hecklers. But a critic says the bill actually suppresses free speech. [Fox News]
Allowing any two people to trigger an investigation into a student's protest activities will exacerbate an existing chilling atmosphere on free expression for students of color. [Capital Times]
Rep. Jesse Kremer, author of an unconstitutional plan to attack free speech rights on UW campuses, has offered an amendment that makes the plan even worse.
Scot Ross, executive director of liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said Kremer's amendment makes his original proposal even worse. [Associated Press]
Savion Castro, a UW student and One Wisconsin Now research associate, talks with HBO's VICE News Tonight about free speech and racism on college campuses. [HBO]
Savion Castro, a UW-Madison student who testified against the bill for liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, said it would limit “my First Amendment right." [Wisconsin State Journal]
“What this bill is is a systematic and coordinated attempt to attack the First Amendment and free speech rights and intimidate students and faculty,” he said. [Capital Times]