Republicans like Sen. Grothman want to repeal a law that has been on the books for nearly forty years and has helped millions of legal Wisconsin voters cast a ballot.
Authorities should immediately open an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Capital Midwest being granted management of $1 million of taxpayer funds through WHEDA.
Wisconsin's 'Money Badger', Michael Grebe, appears to have his paws in the attack on worker rights in Michigan according to One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross.
One Wisconsin Now executive director Scot Ross denounced the GOP’s latest voting law shenanigans as “the real electoral fraud in Wisconsin”, at the press conference. He stated, “There is nothing more sacred in a democracy than the right to vote and our government ought to be working to protect and expand rights, not take them away. Unfortunately the right to vote […] [Milwaukee Courier]
Recent media report included Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on a list of suitors seeking an audience with GOP mega-donor and Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson.
[Democrats] ran up a huge majority of the collective vote in Assembly races, more than 60 percent in both cases, according to research by [One Wisconsin Now]. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Rep. Vos is the latest state official to make allegations about voting impropriety in an attempt to take away voter rights and to justify manipulating election law for their partisan political benefit.
MADISON, Wis. — Republican Assembly Rep. Don Pridemore today announced his campaign to be State Superintendent of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Given that Pridemore’s most notable “accomplishments” as an elected official have been to author a racist, Arizona-style “papers please” attack on immigrants and the unconstitutional voter identification bill, One Wisconsin Now has […]
The liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Nowhas long been critical of state Rep. Don Pridemore, especially when blasting bills he authored that would affect police treatment of immigrants and require voters to present photo identification. Now that Pridemore, a Republican from suburban Milwaukee, is challenging state schools superintendent Tony Evers in the April 2013 election, One Wisconsin Now has […] [PolitiFact]
The liberal group One Wisconsin Now, worried about possible confusion over who can sign petitions to recall Gov. Scott Walker, issued a “recall petitioners’ rights” memo in late November 2011. We can’t predict whether all multiple signers will be found, but state law makes clear that one — and only one — signature is to […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Gov. Scott Walker hinted a few weeks ago, that he favors doing away with same day voter registration. Now a liberal political advocacy group is launching a preemptive strike against any attempt to change the 36-year tradition. Scott Ross is Executive Director of the group One Wisconsin Now. It helped gather 15,000 signatures on petitions supporting […] [WUWM]
A coalition of advocacy groups, including the progressive One Wisconsin Now and United Wisconsin, delivered nearly 15,000 petition signatures to the governor’s office on Thursday from Wisconsinites who oppose changing same-day registration rules. [Huffington Post]
Governor Scott Walker and GOP lawmakers have expressed support for ending the practice of allowing voters to register at the polls on Election Day. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross says the option needs to remain though, since it provides a valuable service. Ross notes that over two million people took advantage of the […] [Wisconsin Radio Network]
Officials with One Wisconsin Now, United Wisconsin and We Are Wisconsin, all made similar assertions at a Capitol press conference Thursday. The groups collected 15,000 online signatures in a week’s time from Wisconsin residents opposed to the discontinuation of Election Day registration. The petitions were delivered to the Governor’s Office Thursday. “The politicians trying to […] [Capital Times]
Governor Scott Walker and GOP lawmakers have expressed support for ending the practice of allowing voters to register at the polls on Election Day. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross says the option needs to remain though, since it provides a valuable service. Supporters of ending same day registration say the move would help […] [WTAQ]
Three liberal advocacy groups, One Wisconsin Now, We Are Wisconsin and United Wisconsin, at 10 a.m. today in Madison will discuss implications of elimination of same-day voter registration. They also will deliver petitions signed by 15,000 people to Gov. Scott Walker to express their [support for] same-day voter registration. [Green Bay Press-Gazette]
A coalition of advocacy groups delivered nearly 15,000 signatures on a petition to save same day voter registration to the office of Gov. Scott Walker today.
A coalition of advocacy groups said Thursday that it was delivering nearly 15,000 signatures on a petition aimed at saving same day voter registration to the office of Gov. Scott Walker. The coalition included the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, We Are Wisconsin and United Wisconsin. Scot Ross, the executive director of OWN, accused Walker […] [Wisconsin State Journal]
Three Wisconsin advocacy groups collected almost 15,000 signatures in objection to Governor Scott Walker’s comments about ending same-day voter registration. Walker recently made a one-hour speech in California outlining his achievements and policy proposals for next year. During the speech, he said he supports ending same-day voter registration, leading to the responses Thursday from We […] [Badger Herald]
One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross has requested the Washington County District Attorney interview State Senator Glen Grothman, under oath.
A week before the Nov. 6 election, Americans for Prosperity tried to pump up support for GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The conservative advocacy group offered $1.84 per gallon gas to motorists in Rib Mountain by paying the $1.70 per gallon difference. The line was so long that the Marathon County Sheriff’s Department came out to control traffic. […] [Wisconsin Rapids Tribune]
A week before the Nov. 6 election, Americans for Prosperity tried to pump up support for GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The conservative advocacy group offered $1.84 per gallon gas to motorists in Rib Mountain, a town near Wausau, by paying the $1.70 per gallon difference. The line was so long that the Marathon County Sheriff’s Department came […] [Wisconsin Watch]
A week before the Nov. 6 election, Americans for Prosperity tried to pump up support for GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The conservative advocacy group offered $1.84 per gallon gas to motorists in Rib Mountain, a town near Wausau, by paying the $1.70 per gallon difference. The line was so long that the Marathon County Sheriff’s Department came […] [Isthmus]
Wisconsin is one of only eight states where people can register to vote on Election Day, and it will be 10 after new laws take effect in California and Connecticut. But if the Badger State trashes it – as Governor Scott Walker is talking about – the state must adopt a “motor voter” registration system, […] [WHBL]
Gov. Scott Walker has joined one of the Legislature’s most powerful Republicans in saying he’s considering ending the state’s same-day voter registration law, drawing quick criticism from leading Democrats, including Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. Wisconsin is one of nine states that allow voters to register at their polling place on the day of the election, […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
One Wisconsin Institute is today filing an amicus brief in support of the NAACP-Voces de la Frontera lawsuit against the state's voter identification law.
During a recent television appearance, Republican State Senator Alberta Darling claimed a lack of voter identification law caused Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to lose Wisconsin, we sent a letter to Darling asking her to provide the list of documented cases of improper votes cast in recent elections. Since 2006, over 14 million votes have […]
MADISON, Wis. — Following her television appearance Sunday in which leading Republican State Senator Alberta Darling claimed a lack of voter identification law caused Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to lose Wisconsin, One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross today sent a letter to Darling asking her to provide the list of documented cases of […]
The question is not whether Republicans will continue their assault on voting, reproductive and workplace rights in Wisconsin, but will there be enough legislators with the courage to stand with the people of Wisconsin.
Last night proved that, in a fair fight, progressives win and the people of Wisconsin will reject right-wing policies that take their rights and favor the wealthy and corporations over the middle class and working families.
Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now (a civil rights group), issued a statement Monday raising several questions for the Einhorns. [Upstart Business Journal]
On this week’s Melissa Harris-Perry show, Perry highlighted a joint investigation by theGrio and One Wisconsin Now that uncovered the secret funderbehind a series of billboards that popped up in minority areas around Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2010 and 2012 warning of the consequences of alleged “voter fraud.” [theGrio]
Thanks to reporting done by The Grio's Joy Reid and the advocacy organization One Wisconsin Now, Melissa Harris-Perry is able to name names for 'This Week In Voter Suppression” in exposing the foundation behind billboards that splashed false information on voter fraud. [MSNBC]
One Wisconsin Now has uncovered more flaws in materials being distributed to Wisconsin poll watchers by the racist, right wing Texas outfit True the Vote.
Although the Einhorn Family Foundation admitted to being the “private family foundation” behind the controversial “Voter Fraud is a Felony!” billboards that recently appeared in neighborhoods of color in Milwaukee and two Ohio cities, news broke Wednesday they secured the funds for similar billboards in 2010 from the Milwaukee-based Bradley Foundation. [PR Watch]
One Wisconsin Now notes that “In 2010, Reince Priebus was cited by name, in an aborted voter caging plot targeting minorities and college students." [Brad Blog]
Grebe's support for these voter suppression efforts was reprehensible and Romney's campaign will be no better if it fails to denounce them immediately.
The renters of the Milwaukee-area billboards stating voter fraud is a felony were revealed Monday night after an investigation by One Wisconsin Now and African-American news website The Grio. [Badger Herald]
One Wisconsin Now has uncovered Texas-based True the Vote’s Wisconsin poll watcher training materials also feature incomplete and incorrect information.
TheGrio and One Wisconsin Now first reported Monday that the billboards were funded by the Einhorn Family Foundation. In a statement, the Einhorns confirmed that they were behind the ads. [Washington Post]
The liberal organization One Wisconsin Now was the first to disclose the role the Einhorn foundation had in footing the bill for the billboards. Scot Ross, head of the Madison-based group, called it “reprehensible” that private foundation money was spent on billboards that Ross said were intended to suppress the vote during the 2010 election in which Scott Walker was […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
An obscure family foundation has confirmed that it paid for a billboard advertising campaign warning of the legal penalties for voter fraud. [America's Black Holocaust Museum]
The group questioned “why the Einhorns only felt it was necessary to target legal voters in minority communities” and why they hid “behind the cowardly veil of anonymity. [Raw Story]
The Einhorn Family Foundation confirmed an investigation by theGrio and One WI Now and admitted it was the previously-anonymous funder of voter suppression billboards.