Venture capitalist revealed as mystery buyer of voter fraud bills
The group questioned “why the Einhorns only felt it was necessary to target legal voters in minority communities” and why they hid “behind the cowardly veil of anonymity. [Raw Story]
The group questioned “why the Einhorns only felt it was necessary to target legal voters in minority communities” and why they hid “behind the cowardly veil of anonymity. [Raw Story]
The liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now and the African-American website theGrio tracked down the information and reported it. [Urban Milwaukee]
This was not an act of free speech, but an expression of racism as despicable as the 'whites only' signs of the Jim Crow South.
When Scot Ross heard about more than a dozen billboards going up in largely minority neighborhoods around Cleveland, Ohio, bearing ominous images of the legal penalties for voter fraud, the story had a familiar ring. [theGrio]
Neither of the two leading presidential candidates are through with Wisconsin quite yet as both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama announced upcoming visits to Wisconsin this week. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will speak in West Allis on Monday evening while Obama is set to visit Green Bay Tuesday evening. This is not the first […] [Badger Herald]
Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, issued a statement Monday raising several questions for the Einhorns. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Scot Ross of "One Wisconsin Now" joins Melissa Harris-Perry and her guests to dig into the details on the Bradley Foundation, what is called the "big granddaddy of political money that no one knows about." [MSNBC]
These billboards were an assault on the voters and the people of Wisconsin deserve to know who paid to attack the sacred right to vote in such an unseemly manner.
More than 2,000 people have signed One Wisconsin Now's petition demanding Clear Channel remove the voter suppression billboards targeting minority communities in Milwaukee.
One Wisconsin Institute joined community leaders and organizations in Milwaukee for a press conference about the dozens of voter suppression billboards, targeting communities of color.
MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now today filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission alleging U.S. Representative and GOP Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan is improperly using Congressional campaign funds to boost the Republican Presidential ticket. Ryan, who has claimed he has a 25-point lead in the U.S. House race according to a poll […]
“I think that these billboards are designed to suppress the vote. That is their intention,” says Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Institute. [NPR]
MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements related to national and state media analysis showing a complete lack of widespread voter irregularity, despite a near-decade long claim by voter suppression organizations and conservative elected officials. “We have final, irrefutable confirmation: voter fraud is a fantasy. The only real […]
Voting is both our right and our civic responsibility. It is how we shape the future of our communities and hold our elected representatives accountable.
Wisconsin students and young voters got a big boost on Tuesday when the state board overseeing elections adopted a policy allowing people registering to vote on Election Day in November to present identifying documents from a laptop or portable digital device. he advocacy group, One Wisconsin Now, said in a press release that they believe the GAB’s board’s action […] [AlterNet]
Wisconsin students and young voters got a big boost on Tuesday when the state board overseeing elections adopted a policy allowing people registering to vote on Election Day in November to present identifying documents from a laptop or portable digital device. The advocacy group, One Wisconsin Now, said in a press release that they believe […] [Center for Media and Democracy]
Wisconsin is the only state to formally allow electronic copies of documents to be used to prove residency for voter registration.
MADISON, Wis. — Continuing a pattern of using his state office to attempt to disenfranchise legal voters, Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen has filed a formal request for the state Supreme Court to overturn lower courts rulings that the state voter ID law is unconstitutional. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross said the […]
Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen says he will ask the state Supreme Court to bypass lower courts and consider his appeal to decisions blocking the state’s voter identification law. One Wisconsin NOW spokesman Mike Browne said in a statement that Van Hollen was “using his taxpayer financed office to convince the partisan, conservative Supreme Court majority […] [WTMJ]
MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements upon news Republican Attorney General JB Van Hollen would petition the state Supreme Court to overturn, in advance of the November elections, Circuit Court rulings that the state’s anti-democratic voter identification bill is unconstitutional. “JB Van Hollen has spent years, and […]
The Institute is urging GAB to update and evaluate their interpretation of Wisconsin law to allow legal voters to use electronic billing statements.
Scott Walker and his allies have lied over and over again, spewing baseless claims of voter impropriety where there is none. Just this week, their claims in Racine were shown to be completely fraudulent.
One Wisconsin Now issued a press release Friday turning up the heat on the Racine County District Attorney and the Racine County Sheriff to let people know what they found investigating claims of voting irregularities from the June 5 recall elections. [Mount Pleasant Patch]
No criminal charges will be filed in connection with alleged voting irregularities in the June 5 recall election, the Racine County District Attorney’s Office said Friday. District Attorney Rich Chiapete said his office received four separate complaints and while a complete investigation into the allegations was conducted, the information “did not rise to the level […] [Caledonia Patch]
Taking the lead, One Wisconsin Now wants answers, and they want them now. Dragging this thing out in the press gives the advantage to right wing propagandists, muddying the waters around our electoral system, and vilifying voters and poll volunteers, and generally establishing a history of “defending the vote.” [Democurmudgeon]
Either Rep. Robin Vos was shockingly willing to allow himself to be used by third parties in this case, or he took deliberate steps to not generate records.
RNC chair Reince Priebus has returned to Wisconsin to write the next chapter in his longstanding crusade to prevent people who vote against Republicans from exercising their right to vote.
Via the Cap Times: Rep. Robin Vos is fast developing a reputation as the most scandal-plagued member of the Legislature.
The effort to intervene in a voter ID lawsuit that spurred controversy for two state lawmakers was funded by the Republican National Committee. The liberal group One Wisconsin Now has asked the accountability board to investigate the legal work done for the two lawmakers. The board has not said if it is considering any sanctions […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
A judge is expected to rule next month on a challenge to Wisconsin’s photo ID law. The decision would come weeks before this fall’s primary elections. Yet, as WUWM’s Ann-Elise Henzl reports, it is unlikely the state’s policy will be set in stone, by the time voters go to the polls. Groups have filed four […] [WUWM]
MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now announced the filing of an open records request of top GOP legislator Rep. Robin Vos and his staff in order to get answers to questions about his involvement in an apparently illegal scheme to provide free legal work on his behalf. “Rep Vos is trying whitewash potentially serious violations […]
One Wisconsin Now filed a complaint calling for an investigation because state ethics laws are crystal clear - it is illegal for elected officials to get benefits like free legal work because of their position.
Rep. Robin Vos announced he is withdrawing from a voter ID lawsuit amidst a growing ethics scandal about how legal work being done on his behalf was being paid.
Vos’ withdrawal comes after the state Government Accountability Board said last week that his participation in the suit could be a conflict of interest, Vos said Friday. The lawsuit will move forward without him. Wisconsin’s voter ID law, which Democrats object to but Republicans support, requires voters show a valid photo ID at the polls. […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
second state lawmaker is pulling his name from an effort to intervene in a lawsuit over the state’s photo ID law. Rep. Robin Vos (R-Rochester), the influential co-chairman of the Legislature’s budget committee, said he was withdrawing his name from a motion filed in the case after questions were raised about whether he was violating […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
State Representative Bob Ziegelbauer (I-Manitowoc) says he’s no longer involved in a lawsuit seeking to preserve Wisconsin’s Voter ID law, following questions about how attorney fees in the case were being paid for. Liberal group One Wisconsin Now has asked the Government Accountability Board to determine if the Manitowoc Independent and Republican state Representative Robin […] [Wisconsin Radio Network]
A state lawmaker says he’s no longer trying to intervene in a lawsuit so he could try to preserve Wisconsin’s photo ID law for voting. Independent Bob Ziegelbauer of Manitowoc withdrew his request, after the Government Accountability Board received a complaint about it. The liberal group One Wisconsin Now asked the Board to determine if […] [WTAQ]
MADISON, Wis. — State Rep. Robin Vos (R-Burlington) is still refusing to disclose who is paying the legal fees for him to appeal a judge’s decision to block implementation of the Republican Voter ID bill. In response to an ethics complaint filed against Vos and Rep. Bob Ziegelbauer (I-Manitowoc) by One Wisconsin Now’s Executive Director […]
Milwaukee Ald. Bob Bauman wants to see evidence from Waukesha that effective public transportation for job access is available to Milwaukee residents before Waukesha negotiates about a water sale. You either believe in equal opportunity, and regional actions, or you don’t. One Wisconsin Now is pushing for disclosure about the provision of legal services to Republican lawmakers […] [The Political Environment]
MADISON, Wis. — State Reps. Robin Vos (R-Burlington) Bob Ziegelbauer (I-Manitowoc) violated state ethic laws by accepting free legal counsel related to their efforts to join a lawsuit over the state’s Jim Crow-era voter identification legislation, according to a complaint filed today by One Wisconsin Now with the state’s Government Accountability Board. “The ethics line […]
Noting the glaring conflicts of interest of the Racine County District Attorney, an appointee of Gov. Walker and campaign contributor to Sen. Wanggaard, and the Racine County Sheriff, a financial supporter of the local Republican Party, One Wisconsin Now called on both officials to immediately recuse.
After the smoke cleared, Wisconsin’s historic venture to the recall polls in June ended as it had in November 2010: Gov. Scott Walker defeats Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, this time by six points. About 2.5 million voters wanted to get in on the fight, almost a half million more than the first bout in 2010. Still, […] [Baltimore Post Examiner]
Here are some quick examples: Walker, GOP took eyes off the ball on job creation – April 28, 2012 Wisconsin lost nearly 24,000 jobs over the past 12 months – the only state in the union with “statistically significant” job losses over that period, according to a new federal government report. For a governor who promised thousands […]
One month before voters have the final say in the governor’s recall election, outside groups fueled by out of state money are making their voices heard. While some Wisconsin businesses like Wisconsin Public Service and Kohler Company donated money to the Republican Governor’s Association, much of the group’s money comes from elsewhere, including a $1 […] [WLUK-TV]
An attorney will ask state officials today to remove the fake Democrats whom the GOP put up to assure that all six recall elections will have their final voting on June 5. The GOP’s Ben Sparks says the fake Democrats ensure “election fairness” but the liberal group One Wisconsin Now has asked prosecutors to file […] []
Thanks to an astute friend of Cog Dis, we know the names of all six reprobates as the GOP shamelessly boasts about their lack of respect for the voters. Gladys HUberner will run for governor, Issac Weix for lieutenant governor, Gary Ellerman, Tamara Varebrook, James Engel and James Buckley will run in four state Senate […] [Cognitive Dissidence]
MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now today asked the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB) and County District Attorneys to open an investigation to determine if any laws were broken when “fake” or “protest” candidates filed their sworn declarations of candidacy indicating they would be “representing” the Democratic Party in 2011 State Senate recall elections. Mike […]
Gov. Walker and Republicans in the legislature have spent the last 15 months taking away the rights of Wisconsinites to have a say in their workplace, hold their elected officials accountable in fair elections and, with voter ID, the right to vote. On Tuesday Dane County Circuit Court Judge Flanagan struck a blow against the […]
Gov. Walker and Republicans in the legislature have spent the last 15 months taking away the rights of Wisconsinites to have a say in their workplace, hold their elected officials accountable in fair elections and, with voter ID, the right to vote.
His campaign is asking that allegations of improper signatures on recall petitions from an alliance of Texas and Wisconsin fringe political groups accused of voter suppression activities be considered by the GAB.