Jeff Fitzgerald

Buffett Rule Coming Before U.S. Senate for a Vote

MADISON, Wis. — As Wisconsinites file their tax returns and a national debate on tax fairness heats up, including the U.S. Senate scheduling votes on the “Buffett Rule”, One Wisconsin Now is calling on each of the candidates for U.S. Senate — Tammy Baldwin, Tommy Thompson, Mark Neumann, Eric Hovde, and Jeff Fitzgerald — to […]

2007: Jeff Fitzgerald Praised Creation of ‘Non-Partisan’ GAB

As Jeff Fitzgerald tries to vault to the top of the “most hypocritical legislator” list for the week, he’s making a heckuva case. Consider his call to end the non-partisan Government Accountability Board and his statement to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald (R-Horicon) said he saw advantages to going back to the […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Speaker Fitzgerald’s ‘Laughable’ Recall Petition Bill

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding the latest power grab by outgoing Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald (R-Horicon) and current U.S. Senate candidate related to recall petition signing. Fitzgerald announced the scheme just as the recall effort against Gov. Scott Walker announced over 500,000 recall signatures have […]

GOP hypocrisy, caving to gun manufacturing lobby in current concealed carry dust-up

It started with JB Van Hollen’s epic cave in the face of pressure from the gun manufacturing lobby attacking plan to require actual training in order to get a concealed carry permit.   But always the wily veterans, Scott and Jeff Fitzgerald took the hypocrisy to a new level this week, telling reporters that not […]

ALEC Exposed

What do you do when you simply cannot win an election? Clearly the solution is to form an organization that links notable conservative lawmakers and corporate power to tilt the odds in your favor, and the American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC has been doing just that for years. Spawned from a group of individuals […]

More Lies from the GOP Noise Machine on Cronon Attacks

Never  allowing facts to get in the way of its smears, the right wing is trying to create a false moral equivalency between retaliatory actions taken by the Republican Party of Wisconsin against UW-Madison Professor Bill Cronon and a completely different kind of request for contract information made by One Wisconsin Now. After Professor Cronon, […]

Fitz Flip Feels Fake

Guess for Republican Assembly Minority “Leader” Jeff Fitzgerald, timing is everything: ‘€œI don’€™t have to solve that problem. Obviously, that’€™s the Democrats’€™ problem.’€ — Fitz on the budget, 1/09 “Common sense would have dictated a very different budget.” — Fitz whiny column, 7/09 Nuff said.

Why Do the No-Budget GOPers Get to Complain Now?

The legislative Republicans said it as early as 2008 — the state budget is the Democrats’ problem. Assembly Minority Leader Jeff Fitzgerald said it. He was quoted saying it. “I don’t have to solve that problem,” he said. “Obviously, that’s the Democrats’ problem.” At no point during the last six months did Fitzgerald nor his […]

Video: GOP Budget Plan Revealed?

Judge for yourself. By all accounts it’s still a big, fat nothing from the state Republicans on how to solve the massive budget deficit the eight years of failed George W. Bush policies have levied on Wisconsin and nearly every state in the nation. One Wisconsin Now sent our OWNews reporter Cody Oliphant to […]

Jeff Fitzgerald on Memorial Day Weekend: Working Bad, Fundraiser Fine

Seemingly irrelevant Republican Assembly honcho Jeff Fitzgerald returned from a long spring nap to yammer about plans by the state’s budget writing committee to work part of this coming Memorial Day weekend. Dusting off his keyboard and reintroducing himself to capitol staff, Lil’ Fitz fired off a press release today complaining about the proposed Friday […]

Banksters, GOPer partying like its 1926

Last year, financial industry Banksters jetted into DC and made off with $700 billion aided by the likes of Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX). But this week, when millions of Americans looked forward to a stimulus package of their own, Cornyn was surprisingly absent. Where was he, you ask? PARTYING AT A COCKTAIL PARTY WITH WALL STREET GOP […]

A Friendly Letter from the Wisconsin Consitution to Jeff Fitzgerald

Dear Minority Leader Fitzgerald (the Assembly one), Happy 2009! We, the articles and sections which make up the Wisconsin Constitution, noticed that on top of financing the cost of you and your family’s health care, that you are spending some of the people’s tax dollars having your ample staff waste time and resources creating something […]

Leading Republicans to Wisconsin: ‘Yes We Can’t!’

Wisconsin Republican officials are responding to bipartisan overtures at the state and federal level by Democratic leaders by summarily rejecting efforts to create jobs, invest in infrastructure, reform health insurance and tackle the $5.4 billion deficit.

Lil’€™ Fitz Proves the More Things Change’€¦

Newly-minted Assembly Minority Leader Jeff Fitzgerald was barely installed as the official leader of his Republican caucus before letting us know his agenda is to protect big insurance companies ahead of Wisconsin children and families. Asked about common sense legislation to require insurance companies to cover treatment for autism and hearing aids and cochlear implants […]