
The Strange Race for Supreme Court

Some $1.5 million has been spent by the WMC to support him, including ... $898,430 for the general election, according to figures compiled by One Wisconsin Now. [Urban Milwaukee]

Advocates call on Green Bay to expand early voting

Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal Madison group One Wisconsin Now, and state Sen. Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay, urged the city to offer early voting at UW-Green Bay. [Green Bay Press-Gazette]

The dark days of open government

As Matt Rothschild and Scot Ross pointed out in a joint column, Walker has generally been a hostile force to transparency for much of his tenure as governor. [Lakeland Times]

Judge suggests Twitter compromise

A similar lawsuit was filed in October against three Wisconsin state representatives who blocked the Twitter account for One Wisconsin Now. [World]

‘Pro-lifers’ who’d execute women

One Wisconsin Now reports that Wichgers is inviting colleagues to join him at a meeting with Trewhella’s group at the state Capitol on Feb. 7. [Patheos]

Senator Grassley’s hypocrisy on judges worsens

Why won’t Sen. Grassley stand up to those in his own party who want the blue-slip process to end, as Sen. Leahy did, or live up to his past promises? [Des Moines Register]

Supreme Court race showing its political stripes

“What happens is the conservative (candidate) always hides what their ideology is and then the Republican Party uses their entire machine to turn out (votes).” [Wisconsin State Journal]

Wisconsin progressives need to build a bigger boat

The divisive, distracted, disappointing quarter century of Scott Walker as a Wisconsin elected official could mean progressives will need a bigger boat in 2018. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

State’s New Top Policy Wonk

One Wisconsin Now created “WISTAX Watch,” which came complete with a quiz where you got to guess if certain comments were made by the state GOP or by WISTAX. [Urban Milwaukee]