
Student Loan Debt Keeps Buyers Out of the Market

The homeownership rate for those individuals who are still paying off student loans is 36 percent lower than among their peers who have no student debt, according to research from the One Wisconsin Institute [LA Times]

Senate to take up student loans, resuming partisan debate

The problem of student loan debt “has been wildly under-covered,” said Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now, whose group has been very vocal on the issue and opposes the GOP plan for letting interest rates on student loans float. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Congress should reverse rate hike on student loans

The growing share of debt for young people is hampering their ability to take out a mortgage or purchase a car, according to Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

We must hate our children

It’s no wonder that people who’ve paid off their student loan debt are 36 percent more likely to own homes than those who haven’t, according to new research by the One Wisconsin Now Institute and Progress Now. [Salon]

Student Debt Repayment Causes Concern Among Many Borrowers

On average, student loan borrowers take about two decades to repay their debt. Graduates of community colleges take almost as long as their counterparts from four-year schools to repay, according to a separate survey from the One Wisconsin Institute released last week. [Huffington Post]

One Wisconsin Now begins 20-day report on Walker’s “depressing failures”

Scott Walker is marking his 20th year serving in office in Wisconsin. So to commemorate the occasion, One Wisconsin Now has begun a 20-day report on Walker’s “depressing failures” while in office. It begins with the governor’s “cozy relationship” with the Bradley Foundation and other school privatization advocates which are aimed at destroying public education. [Capital Times]

Ron Johnson says poor blacks are responsible for financial crisis

Cody Oliphant on the One Wisconsin Now blog reports on Sen. Ron Johnson’s latest broadside against our “dependent” nation in which he complains about everything from food stamps to Social Security. So, in case you missed it, he says, poor black people are responsible for the country’s financial crisis, and unless we throw them to the wolves […] [Capital Times]

Twenty Years of Walker Failures Day 2: Failing to Protect Women’s Health

OWN is highlighting different Walker fails over the course of 20 days. Day two discusses right wing legislation attacking women’s health care. Scot Ross commented, “When given the choice between protecting women’s access to safe and legal health care services or pandering to the most extreme right-wing of the Republican Party, Scott Walker has sided […] [Common Dreams]

New bill: If you swear you’re poor, then you can vote without an ID

One Wisconsin Institute (affiliated with the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now) filed a brief arguing that Wisconsin’s ID law would be significantly more burdensome than the ID law in Indiana that was upheld in 2008 by the United States Supreme Court. [Capital Times]

Murphy’s Law: Don’t Mess With the Press

The MacIver Institute calls itself and “think tank” that promotes “free markets” and “limited government and mostly supports the GOP. It’s closest counterpart on the left is probably One Wisconsin Now. [Urban Milwaukee]

Our view: Keep student loan rates affordable

It is not just students who are affected. Professionals who go through technical, four-year, or even graduate school have student loan debt. So do single moms. [La Crosse Tribune]

GOP throws UW students another $3

Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, calls the tuition freeze a “great idea” but says Republicans have only expressed outrage over high tuition as an excuse to cut the UW’s budget. [Capital Times]

As Wisconsin’s Walker Appears to be Testing Waters, ‘Truth Squad’ Debunks ‘Pants on Fire’ Claims

The “Scott Walker Truth Squad,” as activists from Progress Iowa and One Wisconsin Now call themselves, told reporters at a news conference that Walker has the credentials to win favor among Republican caucus kingmakers, such as The Family Leader, an organization headed by Bob Vander Plaats, and that the political support makes him a candidate to fear. “I know […] [Ames Patch]

Scott Walker in Iowa: Quid Pro Quo Among Political Pals or 2016 Trial Balloon?

Scot Ross, the executive director of the Wisconsin group, said Walker has exaggerated and is “spinning yarns” about the successes of his conservative agenda as he “pursues his ambition for higher office,” according to a news release. Ross said Walker’s jobs creation record is one of the worst in the country, that Wisconsin “is rated […] [Johnston Patch]

Eyes are on Governor Walker for Iowa speech and 2016

“We are at the bottom of job creation and yet he’s not doing his job. Instead, he’s crisscrossing the country going to Connecticut, New York, and Iowa,” Scott Ross of One Wisconsin Now said. [WBAY]

GOP lawmaker to Election Day observers: Get a little closer

“Wisconsin enjoys some of the highest rates of voter participation in the nation, a distinction we are rightfully proud of,” said Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now. “Yet it seems the GOP in Wisconsin wants to take us in the opposite direction with their latest proposal to make it easier to harass and […] [Capital Times]

Lawyer Rick Esenberg revels in public policy fights

OWN’s Scot Ross stated that Esenberg, “has been provided financial resources to try and be a thorn when the courts don’t rule in conservatives’ favor.” Ross then adds that conservatives constantly speak out against judicial activism, but claims that this law firm is as judicially activist as they come because of its attempt to advance […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Right-wing groups made Wis. their testing ground for school choice

One Wisconsin Now recently published a detailed report on the Bradley foundation. Scot Ross states that Bradley is “the most powerful organization in America that no one seems to know about.” One Wisconsin Now calls the Bradley Foundation a “massive, pro-priviatization propaganda campaign” that attempts to turn people against the public school system. [Isthmus]

Wis. Republicans gather as party seeks to grow

And Scot Ross, director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said Walker and the Republican-controlled Legislature have focused on an agenda that benefits the rich and hurts the middle class. [San Antonio Express]

Conservative law firm sues MATC over labor contract

“Taxpayers can personally thank Gov. Walker’s campaign co-chair for this lawsuit, that if successful, will cost them $150 million,” said Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now’s executive director, referring to the cost savings MATC said it achieved through bargaining with the union. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Scot Ross fills the void left by Graeme Zielinski

Zielinski’s cause — to incessantly rile conservative figures on social media — nevertheless lives on through the tweets of One Wisconsin Now, the liberal advocacy group headed by provocateur Scot Ross [Capital Times]

One Wisconsin Now press conference

Press conference discussing the trillion-dollar student loan debt crisis and the Institute’s research on the impact on Wisconsin’s economy. At Chippewa Valley Technical College. [WisPolitics]

Resounding rejection of voter suppression

“The attempts in Wisconsin to make it harder for legal voters to vote and have their voices heard — from ending same-day voter registration to rigging election districts and restricting early voting hours — are not just wrong, they are unpopular,” said One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross. “Voters have spoken and their message […] [Capital Times]

Gun control filibuster: Ron Johnson picks losing side

One Wisconsin Now, which has been hammering Johnson through its website, Our Dumb Senator, chimed in on Twitter: “#OurDumbSenator RoJo wants to protect “right” to sell guns to criminal without background check.” [Capital Times]

Wisconsin GOP lawmakers want to limit impact of courts

With some of their major legislative achievements thwarted by the courts in the past two years, Wisconsin Republicans are advancing a bill that would limit the ability of circuit judges to block state laws for the long term [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Student Loan Debt Sucker Punch

My name is Scot Ross and I'm a student loan debtor. I know the regret of economic opportunity lost to a loan payment. [The Progressive]

Adelaide Davis: A Call to Action in Defense of Education

In 2011, the student debt hit $1 trillion with $3,000 of new student debt accrued every second, according to Businessweek Magazine. Simultaneously, the cost of education has exploded, promising student loan debt will only continue to rise in the future. In his State of the Union address, President Obama promised to make university education more […] [Capital Times]

Child care fraud tipster honored as ‘Whistleblower of the Year’

Scott Southworth, the Juneau County district attorney, who will be recognized as “No Friend of Openness” for refusing to release records sought by the Capital Times and the advocacy group One Wisconsin Now. His violation of the state open records law resulted in an $8,950 fine. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

New report: Total student loan debt has nearly tripled since 2004

Recent research conducted by the One Wisconsin Institute found student loan debt also has a dramatic, negative effect on the state economy. Individuals with bachelor degrees with student loan debt were making average monthly payments of $350 on loans with an average term of nearly 19 years, according to research by the liberal organization based […] [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]