Analiese Eicher: Teachers are in short supply as children head back to school
Wisconsin public schools are more challenged than ever to have ... good teachers in every classroom. [Capital Times]
Wisconsin public schools are more challenged than ever to have ... good teachers in every classroom. [Capital Times]
Republicans are showing anything but appreciation as they seek to strip an important provision from Gov. Tony Evers’ budget.
Robin Vos’ scheme to protect a tax loophole that unfairly benefits the wealthiest could result in cuts to public school funding
Analiese Eicher, program director at the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, said Delavan-Darien is an easy target for Democrats running for governor. Aside from being Walker’s home district, Eicher said Delavan-Darien is the most recent district in the state suffering from cuts. … “It is a primary example, especially given how Walker likes to […] [Janesville Gazette]
State Sen. Duey Stroebel is pushing a property tax increase on communities that approve referenda to support their local public schools.
In February, the offices of the Milwaukee and Rock County district attorneys were contacted by liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, which requested the attorneys review whether Holtz campaigned on district time…Brunette said “it is very clear” Holtz “did enormous amounts of campaign work on district time” based on emails released to reporters and One […] [Wisconsin State Journal]
John Humphries, candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, is at it again, this time taking all sides of the issue of public school funding.
John Humphries has wasted no time in pledging his allegiance to the private school voucher cartel. He’s interested in the campaign cash of special interests.
Scot Ross refuted a report that found there have been few impacts on the state's education workforce since the act's passage. [Wisconsin Public Television]
Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican-controlled legislature have cut over $1 billion from K-12 public schools since taking office.
A new analysis finds that under Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican-controlled legislature, taxpayers will have to foot a $1.18 billion plus tab for the private school voucher program by the end of the 2016-17 fiscal year.
Gov. Scott Walker’s education policies would earn him an F grade from anyone concerned with quality public education. In his first budget, Walker enacted the largest per student K-12 education cuts in the nation.
Will the State Assembly give approval to a scheme to raid funds directly from K-12 public schools to fund an unlimited and unaccountable private school voucher program in the state budget?
The private school voucher industry has poured millions of dollars into buying a friendly legislature that won’t demand accountability from the voucher program.
Wisconsin is 35th in the nation in job creation, dead last in the Midwest, and our middle class is shrinking. Wisconsin is divided as never before and in desperate search for leadership that brings us back together. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
The teachable moment is that behind every "bold" claim by Walker is a very different, cold, hard truth. It's a lesson the school children of Wisconsin know only too well.
Gov. Scott Walker’s education policies would earn him an F grade from anyone concerned with quality public education
“If you look at the Walker record, it has been cuts to infrastructure like public education to fund a trickle-down economic agenda that hasn’t worked,” said Mike Browne, deputy executive director of One Wisconsin Now. [Bloomberg News]
While private schools benefit, courtesy of taxpayer-funded vouchers that in many cases far exceed the tuition paid by other students, it is once again our state public schools that lose out under the agenda of Walker and the Republican Legislature. [Capital Times]
MADISON, Wis. — The names of nearly 16,000 Wisconsinites who have signed One Wisconsin Now’s online petition in just over the last week demanding an end to Gov. Scott Walker’s unprecedented attack on public education were deliver today to the Governor and leaders of the state Joint Finance Committee. JFC has a scheduling hearing today […]
MADISON, Wis. — Gov. Scott Walker’s unprecedented attack on the public education of children across Wisconsin is part of a dismantling of the middle class tool box to enrich the wealthy and corporate America and Wall Street. Gov. Walker’s budget actions would cut $834 million from public education, skyrocket tuition for students in Wisconsin and […]
Sen. John McCain says “there is no equal opportunity without equal access to excellent education,” but this is just another example of the “Double Talk Express.”