Higher Education

Governor ‘Incomplete’ on Student Debt

I would describe Scott Walker’s college affordability scheme the same way I would characterize his own personal higher ed experience — woefully incomplete.

Administrators give nod to Walker college affordability plan

"They are not going to make college more affordable and they are not going to reduce the monthly payment of any of the million people with student loan debt in the state of Wisconsin," Ross said. [Wisconsin Public Radio]

Minnesota unveils a college affordability plan of its own

“It’s common-sense solutions like allowing loans to be refinanced that will help these borrowers, not the excuses and empty political gestures Gov. Walker and the Republican Legislature are offering up,” said Scot Ross. [Capital Times]

Making higher education affordable

Any plan that doesn’t include this simple, common sense reform is not a serious attempt to help with the student loan debt crisis. [Superior Telegram]

Legislators pitch competing student debt bills

Scot Ross, executive director of liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said refinancing student loans is one of the best ways to solve the student loan "crisis." [Appleton Post-Crescent]

Devil’s Advocates Radio: January 14, 2016

One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross appeared on the Devil's Advocates radio show to discuss Gov. Scott Walker's bogus student loan debt plan. [Devil's Advocates Radio]

What Wisconsin can do to solve student loan debt

The Badger Herald and WORT last week hosted a panel discussion on student debt, focused on finding solutions to the ever-growing problem of student debt. [UW Badger Herald]

Student Loan Debt: Wisconsin 3rd in Nation

Analiese Eicher of One Wisconsin Now says student loan debt is dragging down the state's economy and it's time for the Legislature to do something about it. [Public News Service]

Student debt panel warns of tuition freeze perils

The only way to hold the system accountable for supporting students is to voice concerns and vote for people who will listen, Scott Ross, director of One Wisconsin Now said. [Badger Herald]