Race & Racism

Latino Activists Fight Wisconsin’s Anti-Immigration Bills

As the One Wisconsin Now advocacy group said in a statement on their site, this bill could negatively impact “immigrants, transgender people, the homeless, formerly incarcerated people, seniors, foster youth, and other marginalized communities.” [GOOD.is]

Local officials slam GOP lawmaker’s ‘offensive’ comments about Milwaukee

“Bob Gannon says black people in Milwaukee are responsible for over 10,000 mass layoffs in municipalities across the state," said Scot Ross, the executive director of One Wisconsin Now. "His statements are despicable, racist tripe that should embarrass all of his Republican colleagues." [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Four takeaways from Walker’s showing in the first presidential debate

Liberals were particularly peeved by Walker’s responses to the questions about abortion and targeting of African-Americans. They drew mentions from the websites Huffington Post and Think Progress and from the liberal group One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin State Journal]

Politicians returning donations from white supremacist

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who is expected to announce his presidential candidacy next month, has received $3,500 in donations from Holt since 2011... “Scott Walker should be ashamed to have taken Earl Holt’s money in the first place," said Scot Ross of the progressive group One Wisconsin Now. [Associated Press]

Race & Ethnicity

Despite the numerous studies showing that Wisconsin has a serious problem with racial disparities, Scott Walker has not led on this issue.

Will Gov. Walker Stop The Fraud?

Governor Walker has a choice. He can stand up for the right to vote enshrined in the Wisconsin Constitution and veto the bill or he can allow his political ambitions to trump doing what is right by Wisconsin voters.

This Week in Voter Suppression: Wisconsin

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is in a close race with his Democratic challenger Mary Burke. Yet his primary concern seems to be on voter ID requirements in the state. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross joins the Melissa Harris-Perry panel to discuss why. [MSNBC]

The War on Voting Rights in Wisconsin

Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, joins The Reid Report to discuss efforts in Wisconsin by Republicans to put a stop to early voting. [MSNBC]

Scot Ross: Memo to Gov. Scott Walker and GOP legislators: Voters are not the enemy

There’s fraud in Wisconsin elections — but the impropriety isn’t happening in polling places on Election Day. It’s being perpetrated in our state Capitol where Gov. Walker and his lapdog Republican Legislature continue to manipulate the rules on voting to gain a partisan political advantage. [Capital Times]

The Struggle for Voting Rights is Still Real

Scot Ross, Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner, and Judith Browne Dianis join Melissa Harris-Perry to discuss the continued need for the fight for voting rights, especially after seeing legislation pass. [MSNBC]

#WalkerAt20: Failure to Respect Diversity

You'd think Scott Walker would show at least some commitment to representing the diversity of Wisconsin's 5.5 million residents. But Gov. Walker has shown by his actions that if you're not rich, white and straight, he doesn't have time for you.

Republican Party Official Defends Anti-Semetic Slur

After pandering Republicans – from Walker to Johnson to Kleefisch – rode the divisive tea party wave in the elections of 2010, the RPW’s collective reticence to criticize would appear intentional.