Voting Rights & Election Protection

Wisconsin and an Early Attack on Early Voting

Melissa Harris-Perry talks to Mike Browne, the Deputy Director of One Wisconsin Now, about one state assembly representative’s attempt to prevent workers who are unable to cast a vote during normal workday hours from voting. [MSNBC]

The Struggle for Voting Rights is Still Real

Scot Ross, Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner, and Judith Browne Dianis join Melissa Harris-Perry to discuss the continued need for the fight for voting rights, especially after seeing legislation pass. [MSNBC]

Wisconsin State Senate Pushes Voting Law Overhaul

“This is part of a larger and continuing effort on the part of Republicans to restrict voting by the people they don’t want to cast a ballot,” Mike Browne, deputy director of watchdog group One Wisconsin Now, said. [Huffington Post]

Voter Suppression Bills Target Early Voters, Seniors and the Disabled

OWN found that despite the Republicans’ charges that widespread voter fraud was plaguing Wisconsin’s elections, fewer than two dozen people have been convicted of voter fraud since 2004. More than 14 million votes were cast during that time. [Express Milwaukee]

The Fight For Voter Rights Not Over Yet

Wisconsin needs to stay vocal about keeping the voting process open and inclusive to ensure Republicans can't manipulate the laws for personal benefit.

#WalkerAt20: Failing Democracy

The rights of voters to participate in free and fair elections, and have confidence that their vote will be counted is fundamental to our democracy. No one has failed them more than Gov. Walker.

Turning Back the Clock on Voter Rights

The desire to return to the “way things were” can be a sweet sentiment. What can be wrong with a return to better, simpler times? Nostalgia in politics normally means longing for a better time for certain groups only; namely white men. Legislators try to do this in a litany of ways. Pushes for abortion […]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Republican Voter Assault Bill

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding legislation being circulated by Rep. Jeff Stone (R-Greendale) that systematically attacks voter rights in ways no other single piece of legislation has in the history of the state of Wisconsin. “This Republican bill is the single largest assault on voter […]

GOP lawmaker to Election Day observers: Get a little closer

“Wisconsin enjoys some of the highest rates of voter participation in the nation, a distinction we are rightfully proud of,” said Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now. “Yet it seems the GOP in Wisconsin wants to take us in the opposite direction with their latest proposal to make it easier to harass and […] [Capital Times]

As Nation Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Voter Registration Act, Wisconsin Assembly Republicans Consider New Voter Obstruction Legislation

MADISON, Wis. — Today marks the 20th anniversary of the National Voter Registration Act, legislation that has improved the voter registration system and helped millions of Americans to do their civic duty and vote. Meanwhile, Assembly Republicans have scheduled a hearing for Tuesday, May 21st to consider Assembly Bill 202, rolling back current Government Accountability […]

Protecting the Right to Vote in Wisconsin

Voting is not only our right; it is our duty. It is how we have a say in the direction of our community, our state and our country. Voting is the one time everyone is equal. Young or old, rich or poor, on Election Day everyone gets the same say.

Is There an Omnibus-load of New GOP Attacks on Voters’ Rights Headed Our Way?

MADISON, Wis. — In a weekend television appearance, Rep. Duey Stroebel, author of a bill to restrict early voting in Wisconsin, revealed that his proposal along with other GOP sponsored attacks on voting rights could be rolled into an omnibus package of anti-voter legislation. “Republicans have mounted a massive, coordinated campaign to restrict voter rights […]

One Wisconsin Now Demands Republican Legislators Come Clean on Destruction of Records

MADISON, Wis. — Amid allegations and a court investigation of the possible illegal destruction of hundreds of thousands of records related to state Republicans’ redrawing of legislative districts, One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross demanded Republican legislators stop stonewalling and start delivering answers. Ross commented, “Every single Republican legislator has a choice. They can […]

Resounding rejection of voter suppression

“The attempts in Wisconsin to make it harder for legal voters to vote and have their voices heard — from ending same-day voter registration to rigging election districts and restricting early voting hours — are not just wrong, they are unpopular,” said One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross. “Voters have spoken and their message […] [Capital Times]

Power Mad GOP Legislators Latest Scheme Turns Judicial System Upside Down

One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding a legislative scheme to undermine the authority of courts to stop enforcement of unconstitutional laws proposed by Republican State Representatives Craig and Ott and Senators Grothman and Vukmir: “The provisions of the Wisconsin State Constitution are not inconveniences that can be suspended at […]

Wisconsin Voters Say: ‘No Way’ to Ending Same Day

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding the vote on advisory referenda in the City of Milwaukee and Dane County in support of preserving Wisconsin’s same day voter registration law: “Voters have spoken and their message is clear, they want their right to vote protected. By overwhelming […]

One Wisconsin Now Report Documents Wisconsin GOP’s Fight Against the Right To Vote

MADISON, Wis. — In advance of the April 2nd elections, One Wisconsin Now has issued a report cataloging recent state Republican efforts to manipulate state law to gain electoral advantage. In addition, the report exposes the utter lack of evidence to back up the GOP claims of voting impropriety used to justify their efforts to […]

Equality of Inconvenience

Bills like the early voting restriction proposal, and the lawmakers like Rep. Duey Stroebel that propose them, ought to be rebuked, not excused.

Assembly GOP Convenes “Public Hearing” on Election Rules, Bars Testimony From Public

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements on the Republican-led Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections holding a so-called public hearing on potential rule changes to election administration that specifically bars the public from testifying. “There is nothing more sacred in a democracy than the right to vote […]

Where Was Rep. Pridemore for Final Vote on Open Pit Mining Bill?

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding Rep. Don Pridemore’s failure to cast a vote on final passage of controversial open pit mining legislation in the State Assembly yesterday: “When the time came for the votes to be counted on the controversial open pit- mining bill, Rep. […]

Intent of Republican’s Early Voting Restriction Bill Revealed: Target Urban Voters

MADISON, Wis. — A staffer for the author of the bill to limit access to early voting in Wisconsin indicated in media reports that changes will be made to the legislation to give “flexibility for small communities”. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross noted that the comments reveal the true intent of the bill, […]

Wisconsin GOP Opens New Front in War on Voters With Bill to Restrict Early Voting

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin Republicans have renewed their war on electoral participation with State Assembly Representative Duey Stroebel’s latest scheme to end weekend and evening in-person absentee voting and restricting the number of hours during which legal Wisconsin voters could cast early ballots at their municipal clerk’s office. One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross […]

Differing Views of Gov. Walker’s First Two years in Office

The group, One Wisconsin Now harbors a different perspective to Walker’s tenure. Executive Director Scot Ross issued a release citing, what he calls, some of the governor’s low lights: “Looting the public treasury to dole out favors to big business. Slashing investments in education and health care to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy […] [Milwaukee Public Radio]

Senator Alberta Darling Admits No Proof of Fraud

MADISON, Wis. — Senator Alberta Darling made national news after the November election by suggesting that fraud accounted for some or all of President Obama’s 200,000 plus vote victory in Wisconsin. In response to One Wisconsin Now’s demand that she produce proof to back up her astounding claim, Senator Darling’s office has admitted via letter, […]

One Wisconsin Now Renews Demand Rep. Vos and Sen. Darling Prove It

MADISON, Wis. — On the heels of yesterday’s admission by Sen. Glenn Grothman that he “can’t prove” his allegations of voting impropriety, One Wisconsin Now renewed its demand that incoming Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Joint Committee on Finance co-chair Alberta Darling produce the evidence to back up similar claims they have made. One Wisconsin […]