Voting Rights & Election Protection

Opposing view: Recalls restore accountability

In the last century, our nation has seen fewer than two dozen state legislators and just two governors removed from office through the rarely used vehicle of recall. Case in point: When Wisconsin voters ousted two Republican state senators through recalls last week, it doubled the number of senators who have met this fate in […] [USA Today]

Wis. Dems say recall wins show governor vulnerable

Wisconsin Democrats brushed aside their failure to seize control of the state Senate through recall elections, instead insisting Wednesday that voters rejected the Republican vision for the state and country and vowing to press on with their plan to recall Gov. Scott Walker. “Gov. Walker remains the most divisive elected official the state of Wisconsin […] [WJRT]

The Koch brothers will stop at nothing to surpress the voice of the people

The billionaire Koch brothers will stop at nothing to try and buy power in Wisconsin just so they can have their way with democracy. The latest proof of their attempts to deceive voters and grab political power comes from Americans for Prosperity (AFP), a group founded by the Koch brothers. Americans for Prosperity was caught […]

Did Sen. Randy Hopper vote illegally?

Here’s why I ask: In March, news broke that Randy Hopper’s (ex-)wife accused him of cheating on her with a mistress and revealed that he was no longer living in his Fond du Lac home. WKOTV interviewed Hopper about it, and he said that he was indeed living in an apartment and not at home. […]

Darling Pushed Legislation to Benefit Out-Of-State Corporation

Now, new records just obtained from One Wisconsin Now show that Darling’s staff coordinated with an AFC lobbyist on legislation not that long before their ad and mailer blitz inundated voters in Darling’s district. An analysis by One Wisconsin Now shows the legislation Darling was working on with AFC lobbyists is strikingly similar to ‘model legislation’ pushed […] [We Are Wisconsin]

State Puts Breaks on Plan to Close DMV Site

A lawsuit over Wisconsin’s voter ID law is widely expected. In 2008 the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Indiana’s voter ID law in a 6-3 ruling. Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, said the lack of access to DMV centers in Wisconsin defies the high court’s ruling. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

GOPer Glenn Grothman gripes absentee voters, votes absentee himself

The GOP’s leading anti-student voter senator, Sen. Glenn Grothman, issued a press release basically intimidating student voters who may wish to vote absentee. Sen. Grothman always seems to have something disparaging to say about exercising the right to vote. And this isn’t even the first time he’s complained about the abillity to vote absentee. Funny […]

More GOP/Oligarchs Voter Suppression in Wisconsin

According to One Wisconsin Now, Tim Dake, leader of the Tea Party group Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty, lays out the plans for engaging in vote caging, detailing contact between himself and Reince Preibus, the Republican Party of Wisconsin Chair and Mark Block, state director of Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin. [Weird Load Reboot]

Americans For Prosperity Accused of Voter Suppression In Wisconsin Recall Elections

One Wisconsin Now, a non-profit statewide progressive communications network, says the ad buy appears to be an effort to help the six Republican state Senators who were challenged by recall elections after supporting Governor Scott Walker’s anti-collective bargaining legislation in early 2011. [Huffington Post]

In recall campaigns, union is a dirty word – on both sides

Scot Ross, a liberal muckraker for the advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, agreed that voters have already made up their minds on the union issues so it doesn’t make much sense to bring it up during the campaign. [Wisconsin State Journal]

In Wis. Recalls, union is dirty word on both sides

Scot Ross, a liberal muckraker for the advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, agreed that voters have already made up their minds on the union issues so it doesn’t make much sense to bring it up during the campaign. [Washington Examiner]

ALEC Exposed

What do you do when you simply cannot win an election? Clearly the solution is to form an organization that links notable conservative lawmakers and corporate power to tilt the odds in your favor, and the American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC has been doing just that for years. Spawned from a group of individuals […]

GOP Intentions Behind Redistricting Shameful

Behind closed doors and behind the backs of Wisconsin residents, the republicans are eager to push their radical agenda concerning redistricting, but in the light of day it is clear to see what the real intentions of the GOP are. The new redistricting proposals, one of which was signed into law by Governor Walker yesterday, […]

Walker Makes it Harder to Obtain Voter ID

And if so, Jorgensen is right. Voter fraud is virtually nonexistent in Wisconsin. As One Wisconsin Now reported, there were more UFO sightings (40) in Wisconsin in 2008 than reports of improper voting (14) out of the 3 million votes cast in the 2008 election. [AFL-CIO]

The Politics Behind Voter ID

“This is about putting up obstacles to legal voters being able to exercise the franchise,” says Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, an advocacy group that opposes the changes. “That is the scheme that the Republicans have concocted on this.” Ross says tens of thousands of Wisconsin voters lack the photo ID that […] [NPR]

WI Voter ID Law

Scot Ross, head of the advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, said evidence suggests reduced voter participation is likely. “When new impediments prevent otherwise legal voters from exercising their constitutional right to vote, that is the definition of disenfranchisement.” Rob Richie, executive director, Fair Vote, The Center for Voting and Democracy, uses “disenfranchise” to describe what […] [Examiner]

Anti-Abortion group denies suppressing recall vote

In a Wednesday press release Scott Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, says such tactics would amount to “voter suppression” and calls on law enforcement officials to investigate. “The timing of the calls certainly raises the questions: were these calls meant to keep certain voters from going to the polls?” he says. [Capital Times]

Redistricting doesn’t affect Madison

In Madison, however, it looks like changes will be minimal, most likely because the GOP figured the city and the surrounding area were a lost cause when it comes to redrawing boundaries. “Republicans can’t gain seats in Madison,” said Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, a Madison-based progressive advocacy group. “All the districts […] [Wisconsin State Journal]

Wisconsin Right to Life Calls Warrant Immediate Investigation

MADISON, Wis. — Contrary to claims made by a top official with Wisconsin Right to Life, automated calls made to an untold number of Wisconsin homes in the days leading up to Tuesday’s Republican-orchestrated primary that included “fake Democrats,” went to non-WRTL supporters. One Wisconsin Now, which is calling for a full investigation by law […]

Big labor pours money into recalls, supports Holperin

And, as impressive as the cash numbers are, that’s not all. Other groups – mostly unions – have contributed more than $1.2 million in in-kind contributions, including WEAC, the Service Employees International Union, the League of Conservation Voters, the United Food and Commercial Workers and the National Education Association. Much of the money was, of […] [Lakeland Times]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on Republican Partisan Election Map Scheme

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding the Republican closed-door redistricting scheme, which has produced partisan election maps drastically altering existing legislative districts across Wisconsin. “The Republicans have used their complete control of state government to unveil from behind closed doors the most partisan redistricting scheme in […]

Wisconsin’s New Voter ID Law

Scot Ross, head of the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, said evidence suggests reduced voter participation is likely. “When new impediments prevent otherwise legal voters from exercising their constitutional right to vote, that is the definition of disenfranchisement.” [PolitiFact]

GOP Hopeful Herman Cain and Koch

In late 2010, the liberal advocacy group, One Wisconsin Now, caught a Tea Party organizer on tape discussing Block’s role in a vote-caging scheme apparently designed to suppress voter turnout in two Milwaukee districts that are heavily populated by college students and African Americans. [Alternet]

The votes are in…

…from your participation in “Who Should Be Our Next U.S. Senator.” Thousands of votes came from across Wisconsin from a list of 18 potential Democratic and Republican candidates – as well as the option to write-in someone who might not have been on the list. Former U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold garnered the most votes, and […]

Scot Ross: Why voter ID bill may be unconstitutional

We believe Wisconsin’s new voter ID law is overly burdensome on voters and that the state is simply unequipped to administer this law and ensure legal voters will not be disenfranchised or subject to a poll tax [Capital Times]

One Wisconsin Now Statements on JFC Voter ID Funds

MADISON, Wis. — One Wisconsin Now Executive Director Scot Ross released the following statements regarding the Joint Finance Committee action on $10 million in funds for additional Department of Motor Vehicle funds related to the voter suppression plan. “The amount of funding is woefully inadequate to ensure Wisconsin can properly administer the currently-unconstitutional Voter ID […]

Gov. Walker signs voter ID bill amid protests

The new law would spend $7 million – most of which would make free ID’s for those who want them. But “One Wisconsin Now” director Scot Ross says people could only get them during business hours on weekdays – and many must travel long distances to get them at motor vehicle offices. [WTAQ]

Walker Signs Voter ID Bill

But the liberal group “One Wisconsin Now” has its doubts – and its director, Scot Ross, says they’ll keep consulting with attorneys on a possible lawsuit. [WHBL]

Walker signs photo ID measure; legal challenge possible

“We continue to confer with legal counsel about what potential legal challenges can be made against Gov. Walker’s voter suppression bill,” Scot Ross, executive director of the liberal group One Wisconsin Now, said in a statement Wednesday. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Capitol Report: New residency rules will be in place for recall elections

This concerns voter advocates like One Wisconsin Now’s executive director, Scot Ross, who says 178,000 seniors in the state do not have a valid photo ID. “It is very clear Republicans are rigging elections in their favor, and they are willing to suppress the votes of seniors, students and minorities to do that,” said Ross, […] [Capital Times]

Legislature passes voter ID bill; Walker to sign it Wednesday

“Ultimately, this will cost Wisconsin not only our fair and clean elections, but also millions of additional tax dollars when a court rules against them for damages for denying legal voters the right to vote,” said Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now. [Wisconsin State Journal]

Curbing Voting Rights in Wisconsin

“Voter ID is a part of a concerted Republican effort to restrict the vote of those who do not share their vision for a Wisconsin controlled by the corporate special interests, which financed the takeover of state government,” says Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, the state’s leading online progressive organizing group. “First […] [The American Prospect]

Some clashes in 94th Assembly District candidate forum

Democrat Steve Doyle, in particular, took the opportunity at the League of Women Voters event to challenge several statements opponent John Lautz or his campaign have made, such as he basically is an independent who only recently joined the Republican Party. Doyle brought up information the group One Wisconsin Now put out earlier in the […] [La Crosse Tribune]

More Than 10,000 Call for Van Hollen Bipartisan Investigation of Waukesha Vote

MADISON, Wis. — More than 10,000 concerned Wisconsin citizens are calling for a bipartisan investigation by Attorney General JB Van Hollen into the actions of Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus related to the changing vote totals in the State Supreme Court race between David Prosser and JoAnne Kloppenburg days after the election. One Wisconsin Now […]

Van Hollen-Chisholm Election Integrity Task Force Must Investigate Largest Potential Election Fraud Case in Wisconsin History

MADISON, Wis. — The Wisconsin Election Integrity Task Force, headed by Attorney General JB Van Hollen and Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm, must lead an immediate and complete full investigation of the allegations of election fraud surrounding Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus and her adding of 14,000 votes days after the polls closed on […]

Wis. corrects vote count, gives incumbent big lead.

Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus said more than 14,000 votes weren’t reported to The Associated Press on Tuesday due to “human error.” Nickolaus said she didn’t notice an absence of votes because her figures showed a 42 percent voter turnout, which exceeded the 30 percent turnout the county typically sees in spring elections. [Atlanta Journal Constitution]

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce Returning the Favor for Prosser’s Recusal Vote

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, which spent $5 million to elect scandal-plagued Annette Ziegler and ethically-challenged Mike Gableman, is taking to airwaves on behalf of current Justice David Prosser, launching a smear attack against his opponent. Prosser cast the deciding vote to adopt rules in 2009, written part by WMC, that says campaign […]

Did Hopper Vote for a Job for His Alleged Mistress?

In today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dan Bice revealed that the alleged mistress of State Sen. Randy Hopper, was given a taxpayer-financed job in the state Department of Regulation and Licensing at the urging of the Walker administration. One must wonder if she is in line for one of the more than three-dozen new political positions […]

MJS: “Talk is cheap; don’t suppress state’s votes”

  We all know requiring folks to present a photo ID before they are allowed to vote is an expensive solution to a problem that doesn’t exist — not to mention, fairly undemocratic. Editorial boards across the state have been giving the GOP’s “21st Century Poll Tax” due criticism; the latest comes from the Milwaukee […]